Temperature Rising

Temperature Rising by Alysia S. Knight

Book: Temperature Rising by Alysia S. Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alysia S. Knight
maybe a little sexual — you’re beautiful,” he teased, stroking her cheek. His eyes drifted over her as a serious look spread over his face. “But there is something special about you.”
    Too nervous to go into the last sentence, Laken locked on the previous one. “Nuts. Thanks.”
    “You’re welcome.” He let a little laugh out.
    “I didn’t sleep good last night because it hurt to think you—”
    He cut her off again with a finger to her lips. “I was miserable too. I never want to hurt you again.” He pulled her up to capture her lips.
    Laken surrendered herself to his kiss, returning it with pleasure.
    A growl ripped from his throat and he broke off holding her close. “We have to stop this now. You need to get some rest. I better go.”
    Laken missed the feel of his body the moment he moved away. It was as if part of her had been taken away. He turned to look back at her and swooped in. The kiss was hard and stole her breath, and then he was gone.
    “Lock up after me and right to bed,” he ordered, heading for the door, grabbing his jacket from the hall-tree as he passed.
    Laken could only stare after him, hugging her knees to her chest. Mac hadn’t said when she’d hear from him again, but there was no doubt that she would. He’d told her he was falling in love with her. Happily, she did as he ordered. Sleep came almost immediately when she closed her eyes and, a short while later, the dream.

    Chapter Six
    The hunter’s stride was purposeful, smooth, taking Laken along with him. She could see the woman in front of them. She wanted to yell to the woman to run, but the hunter’s thoughts answered back. There’s no need to hurry, she can’t get away. The stupid woman doesn’t know I am here, so absorbed in her own world, thinking how she’s come out on top.
    I heard her boasting about her new job, and how she didn’t need some jerk hitting on her. How she told that man to get lost. Who does she think she is to treat her betters like that? She’s just another back-stabbing witch. But I am more powerful than her. Fire burned in his veins.
    The distance between him and the prey diminished. He could taste the thrill of the kill now. Laken sensed it, and it made her stomach roll. She fought to pull back, but she was trapped. The clicking of heels on the sidewalk thundered over the soft whispers of the hunter’s shoes.
    Exhilaration leapt inside him when he saw the alley. It’s perfect. The street’s empty, no one to see her go in and not come out.
    “No.” Laken tried to scream, but nothing came out as he rushed forward.
    At the last second the woman must have realized he was there because she turned. Her cry was hardly a squeak. She stumbled back in the alley, turned, and ran. Laken cheered her on until she got a taste of the hunter’s satisfaction of the prey being herded just where he wanted her. He swooped in after her.
    Laken’s heart pounded with his. She fought to fight back, clawing at him from the inside, but his excitement rose higher. Adrenaline, driven by the anticipated kill, flared through him. He burned with madness. His hand came out to catch the back of the woman’s collar. The yank dropped her to her knees. She cried out like a frightened animal. He gloried in it.
    Dragging her back to her feet, he turned her to face him. As she came around, her hand came up, arching toward his face. Laken caught a glimpse of something in her hand at the same time the hunter did. His hand knocked hers aside just as the spray burst out. It missed the hunter’s face but was close enough to bring water to his eyes, blurring Laken’s vision.
    Through watery waves she saw the hunter’s hand come out, striking the woman across her face. “Stupid witch.” The words roared in her mind. Before the woman could muster another attack, he pulled her back to him, slamming her hard against his body. Fear filled the woman’s eyes as she looked up into his face. Laken knew his hand was coming

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