
Terr4tory by Susan Bliler

Book: Terr4tory by Susan Bliler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Bliler
couldn’t control the revulsion that shivered down her spine.  Atkins was younger than she’d expected.  He looked close in age to Barron, which meant he’d repeatedly called him ‘boy’ to get a rise.  While the man wasn’t unattractive, he held no appeal for her.  His hair was shaved close to his head, and his body was built, but his eyes were dead.  No emotion played behind the seeking brown orbs.
    “Cortez,” Barron barked, and when Willa’s Beta stepped forward, he shoved her into his arms.  “Protect my mate until I’m finished with this piece of shit!”
    To her shock, Cortez gripped her by the arm and pulled her toward tree line.  Had he gone fucking mad and forgotten that she was the pack Alpha for Christ’s sake?  She eyed Cortez and Keryn, sensing their excitement through the pack ties.  They wanted Barron to challenge for her, they wanted him to beat Atkins.  They wanted him to be their Alpha male.
    She stood stock still as Atkins snarled and ripped his shirt off.  This time he slammed it on the ground and bared his elongated incisors.  Her attention flew to Cobalt, and she couldn’t help but wonder if the duo had designs on keeping the fight fair.  She didn’t get the chance to contemplate it long.
    Atkins shifted and lunged for Barron, whose own shift ripped through him.  Before she could blink, the battle ensued.  She’d only gotten a glimpse of Barron in his wolf form when they’d first met.  Seeing him now, she couldn’t help but stare.  He was magnificent.  His thick fur was a satiny-black unlike any she’d ever seen, and his size…  She’d always heard that the wolves of the northwest were massive, but she had no idea.  Barron was the largest wolf she’d ever seen, and compared to Atkins’ pathetic southern wolf form there was no contest.  She knew the fight wouldn’t last long, and she nearly smirked when she realized Barron had been right.  Atkins’ wolf form did resemble a coyote rather than a wolf.
    The fighting continued, and Willa could tell Barron was holding back.  He was toying with Atkins, making him pay for his slights.  Barron’s speed was phenomenal, and his strength was unbelievable.  She was mesmerized by him.  He was the most powerfully graceful wolf she’d ever witnessed.
    It was obvious Atkins’ frustration was mounting with his inability to take Barron down.  His anger had Atkins taking foolish chances and making costly mistakes.  The slim wolf lunged for Barron with teeth bared, but Barron’s teeth seized him in mid-air and slammed the scrawny wolf to the ground. Atkins whined at the death grip of Barron’s teeth clamped to his throat.  He was pinned and bleeding, with no hope of victory.
    Cobalt suddenly shifted, and Willa snarled, “ Don’t !”
    His eyes jerked to her and he was snarling back when Barron dropped Atkins and stalked slowly toward Cobalt.
    Black fur slick with blood, Barron’s lips were peeled back and vibrating with the menacing growl that rumbled forth.  Cobalt backed up a step and dropped his eyes.
    Atkins shifted, coughed a few times, and then slowly staggered to his feet in naked human form.
    Barron shifted too, and in a final display of superiority, regenerated clothing before turning menacing eyes on Atkins.  “See that fucking mark?”  He jerked his head toward Willa.  “It means she’s mine .”
    Willa stood stock-still, ignoring the exhilaration that tore through her at Barron’s words while Atkins looked at her, his eyes narrowing on the fading mark on her throat.
    “Get the fuck out of my territory,” Barron snarled.
    Funny, Willa’s wolf didn’t even blink at Barron’s command.  He’d just claimed ownership of her territory, and instead of getting a rise out of her wolf, it had the damn horny beast pouncing in giddy excitement.
    With one last look of disdain, Atkins turned and stormed off with Cobalt lingering a moment to scowl at Barron before turning and rushing to catch up with

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