The Abduction of Kelsey
rest some more,” he said, still in lovey-dovey mode.
    She let him put the pill on her tongue. There was no cider left, so she swallowed it without it. The salty, bitter taste of his jism coated her mouth. “I need to pee,” she said. She managed to unknot the ties from her wrists and she flung them to the bed. “I need to brush my teeth. I haven’t had anything to eat in hours.”
    James nodded. “I’ll help you up. We’ll walk together to the bathroom.”
    Having no choice in the matter, Kelsey allowed him to assist her to the bathroom. As she hobbled through the bedroom she glanced around the room, searching for the gun. If she got it again, she wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him dead, but the gun was nowhere in sight.
    As she sat on the toilet, she took surreptitious inventory of the bathroom, but saw nothing but the pile of bloody towels in the corner. I have to get out of here. I have to get out. But how?
    James brought her toiletries into the bathroom and let her brush her teeth. Her hair had dried into a wild mess of wavy tangles and she tried half-heartedly to run her fingers through it but gave up. James, who was watching her, said, “I’ll wash your hair later, darling. I brought your shampoo and conditioner.”
    A wave of woozy dizziness nearly overcame her as the pain pill took effect. James put his arm around her shoulders as he guided her back toward the bed. Kelsey let herself be supported as she limped back through the bedroom. She collapsed onto the bed and offered no struggle as James lifted and maneuvered her on the mattress. Her muscles had turned to rubber, her brain to mush. Food could come later. She just wanted to sleep.
    James pulled the covers over her and bent down to kiss her forehead. Kelsey’s eyelids were so heavy. She let them slide closed, welcoming the oblivion of drugged sleep with open arms.
    James stared down at his lovely girl, wondering if he should tie her to the bed or not. It wasn’t like she could get very far with that leg wound. Nor would she stir for a while with the drugs in her system. No, he would leave her be.
    He moved to the bureau and pulled on a pair of clean underwear and some shorts. He was filled with a restless, wild energy that even the incredible blow job she’d given him hadn’t dispelled. He couldn’t wait to fuck her again.
    First he had some work to do. He moved the gun to the top shelf in the hall closet. After another peek at his sleeping beauty, he returned to the kitchen, where he’d left the bag with his purchases from the sex boutique. Grabbing it, he hurried to the bedroom. He stood a moment just inside the door, drinking in the sight of Kelsey lying naked and sleeping in his bed. He moved into the room, tiptoeing toward the bed so as not to disturb her.
    Kelsey didn’t move a muscle, already deep into a drugged sleep. Her hair was a tousle of copper and red-gold against the pillow. Her eyelashes were so long they brushed her cheeks and there was a dusting of fine freckles on the bridge of her nose. Her lips were full and sensual, and his cock stirred with the memory of her hot mouth wrapped around it. They would have to do that again, and often.
    While waiting for Kelsey to wake, James sat at his computer desk with the bag and took out the items one by one. He withdrew the hanks of rope and coils of chain. He wasn’t entirely sure what he’d do with the chain, but the thought of it wound around Kelsey’s neck, wrists and ankles had given him a boner in the boutique, so he’d bought it.
    He pulled out a pair of leather wrist cuffs and a black suede flogger. It had cost a fortune, but James knew it would be worth it. The man behind the counter had assured James with a knowing leer that it packed a delicious sting while still getting its point across. James wasn’t sure about the delicious part, at least not for the person on the receiving end, but that wasn’t why he’d bought it.
    As he’d been going through her apartment, and

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