The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy)

The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy) by Geralyn Dawson

Book: The Bad Luck Wedding Night, Bad Luck Wedding series #5 (Bad Luck Abroad trilogy) by Geralyn Dawson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Geralyn Dawson
not a good choice. Let's try the study, shall we? I'll send someone to escort you so you aren't late."
    She nodded, then held her breath as he turned and left. When the door shut behind him, she sank back into her chair with a soft moan. The man was devastatingly handsome. Why in the world had she failed to prepare herself for that possibility?
    What she needed was a fortifying cup of chocolate. Men might prefer brandy, but for Sarah and most of the women she knew, nothing hit the spot quite like chocolate.
    She nearly jumped out of her chair when the bedroom door creaked open once again. Nick stuck his head inside, flashed a wicked grin and said, "Just as I suspected. You still have all your clothes on. Best get moving. You have half an hour. Don't be late."
    The shoe she flung just missed his nose.

    It's bad luck for a bride to wear black shoes to her wedding.
    Chapter 6

    Twenty-five minutes later, the Marchioness of Weston glided into Nick's study like a princess on a rose-petaled path.
    The Marquess of Weston's mouth went dry as dust. She'd been a beautiful girl. Now a woman, she was exquisite.
    She wore her spun-gold hair piled artlessly on top of her head. Wisps of curls escaped the pins and called attention to her thickly lashed amber eyes that gleamed with intelligence, confidence, and just enough spirit to make a man take note—once he made it past the lushness of her figure.
    As his gaze skimmed her from head to toe, Nick knew a bittersweet regret at having missed watching her bloom.
    The cut of her emerald silk gown was just different enough from current fashion to catch his style-conscious sisters' interest and make them green with envy. The luscious curves caressed by the silk were bound to attract the notice of every man in the castle.
    The surge of possessiveness that raged through him at the thought caught Nick off guard. He offered her a drink and a seat in a wingback chair placed before the fire. Having declined the former, she accepted the latter while Nick poured himself a glass of Rowanclere malt. He was drinking more than usual today. Women—this woman in particular—often had that effect on a man.
    Claiming the chair beside her, he studied her pensively, then said, "Sarah, you are captivating."
    She bowed her head regally, as though the compliment were her due.
    Accustomed to praise, was she? He wondered just how many men had told her she was lovely during the past ten years. Dozens? Hundreds? Gruffly he added, "And you're five minutes early. I'm surprised."
    "I despise tardiness."
    He arched a brow. "Coming from you, that is quite amusing. Were you not due in Scotland weeks before you arrived?"
    "According to your timetable, perhaps, not mine."
    Her slow, Southern accent dripped like a warm and sultry night. Hearing it took his thoughts back to their disastrous wedding night, and his mood darkened considerably. Funny how that memory still had the ability to chafe. "Welcome to Glencoltran Castle."
    She fluttered her lashes, her smile patently false. "Is that where I am? I fear I've quite lost track."
    Little witch. "How was your trip?"
    "I believe I covered that topic earlier."
    "Ah, yes." Nick rubbed his hand across his jaw. "What happened to your escort? My footman said you arrived alone. Surely someone traveled with you from Hunterbourne."
    Her smile didn't reach her eyes. "No. I'm quite accustomed to traveling alone. I noticed your sister Gillian in the drawing room. I assume she told you my kidnapper—that is, my escort, Mr. Jenkins—found something more appealing to do than continuing on to England?"
    Dryly Nick said, "I understand he is on his honeymoon, and that he hired an escort to accompany you and your maid from Rowanclere to Hunterbourne."
    "His honeymoon? That's welcome news. I trust he and Annie, will be very happy together."
    "But what of the escort he hired?"
    Dainty shoulders shrugged. "We didn't suit."
    He waited, but she added no more and he decided not

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