The Billionaire's Curvy Submissive (BBW Billionaire Erotica Novel)
crying mouth was instantly filled
the warm, sticky seed of her lover. Parker came into her mouth,
across her face, onto her chest. She was drenched in his cum,
licking it off her lips, feeling it roll off her face in epic
bursts. She was covered in him, and he was licking her cum-soaked
pussy until it throbbed with the feel of his tongue.
    Parker collapsed beside Claire, gasping for
breath. She turned her cum-covered face toward him smiling. She
tugged at her ropes.
    “Let me out?” she asked.
    “Oh, no,” Parker smiled, “I just divorced my
wife for you. You definitely haven’t earned your freedom yet. I’ll
tell you what you can do, though...”
    Claire smiled back at him, ready to do
whatever he pleased. She was his now, forever. It was just what she
had always wanted.
    * * * * *
    Chapter 5
    * * * * *
    “But... I don’t understand,” Tommy whined,
standing in the doorway of the bedroom that he and Claire had,
until recently, shared. “Why are you doing this to me?”
    “I’m not doing anything to you,” Claire
replied, shoving her wardrobe into a gigantic black suitcase, “What
I’m doing has absolutely nothing to do with you, Tommy. For once in
my life, I’m acting for myself, without any regard for ridiculous
hangers-on like you.”
    “Jesus. Way to be selfish, Claire.”
    “Selfish? That’s pretty rich coming from a
guy who has never once tended to female orgasm in his pathetic two
and half years of fucking.”
    “What are you talking about? I got you off
plenty of times.”
    “For an actor, Tommy, you sure aren’t very
good at picking up when someone’s putting on a show for you.”
    “First of all,” Tommy said, wagging his
finger at his soon-to-be-officially-ex-girlfriend, “I’m not an
actor. I do improv. It’s much harder.”
    “And second of all...”
    “You don’t have a second point, do you
    “No, not really.”
    “Well,” Claire said, zipping up her luggage,
“Why don’t you just improvise?!”
    “Claire,” Tommy pleaded, dropping to his
knees in front of her, “Please don’t leave me. I need you here.
What the hell am I going to do without you? You’re like... my rock.
You know? We got each other through college, watched each other
become adults. I mean, you pay most of the rent—”
    “Is that why you want me stay? Because of the
rent?” Claire screamed. Tommy looked at her guilty, which was an
answer in and of itself. Claire, slowly simmering to a boil at
Tommy’s indecency, took a deep breath and smiled down at the little
boy she had once considered worthy of her time. His stupid skater
hairdo and ratty sweatshirt were laughable to her now that she knew
what a real man was like.
    Claire had been carrying on with an older man
that she’d met a little over a month before on the subway. He had
chased away some pervert who was trying to score a feel of her and,
simultaneously, stole Claire’s heart. Things became more
complicated when Claire realized that her savior was actually her
boss’s husband, but even though she did her best to stay away, he’d
had other ideas.
    The man, Parker, had begun inviting Claire to
his townhouse office on the upper east side. What she hadn’t known
when she headed up there for the first time was that the office was
no office at all but a sex den. Parker had told her, once their
saga had begun to play out, that he had purchased the place simply
so that he would have somewhere to bring her when he wanted to tie
her up and fuck her silly. She’d felt appropriately honored at the
    Tommy still didn’t know the details of
Claire’s exodus. She didn’t have the energy to wade through the
wreckage of his plummeting self-esteem. She just wanted to make her
exit and forget that she had wasted so much time with this loser.
The loser, for his part, was not making it easy for her to get out.
She stared disdainfully down at Tommy, who had planted his body
firmly in her path. Parker was

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