The Billioniare's Bought Bride (Contemporary Romance)
wedding night that the groom gets turned down.”
    “It’s not every wedding night that the bride is married for convenience.”
    “So true,” Dylan mused calmly.
    Maddy fumed. The man never lost control. Even at eighteen, Dylan never overreacted. He was a methodical planner with dozens of contingency plans. Even after her rejection and Ted’s punches, Dylan hadn’t stayed down long. He’d changed directions—and ended up here. Owning her.
    The chair thudded on the wood floor as Dylan rose.  He gestured toward the opening that led to the two first floor bedrooms. “Feel free to retire anytime. Your belongings are in the master bedroom. I’ve installed myself next door in the red bedroom.”
    Angry lines she couldn’t contain creased her forehead. No wonder why he was so smug. He’d toyed with her. He had no intention of sleeping with her. Dylan, always one-step ahead. Life was but a game to him.
    “My parents will arrive tomorrow,” Dylan continued, ignoring her agitation. “Although we have five bedrooms here, they wanted to stay on the island to give us our privacy.”
    Maddy’s body trembled. His ease enraged her, showed her how far out of his league she was. “I don’t want you living here. This is my home.” 
    He absently ran a hand through his black hair, making the silken strands ripple and reflect the light. “Too bad. A husband lives with his wife.” 
    He stressed the last word, and Madison shuddered.
    “While I may not be sharing your bed, my parents will find it odd if such a happily married couple like us sleeps a boat ride apart.”
    Madison crossed her arms. “I was surprised they missed the wedding, with our being such a loving couple and all. Did you not want them to see how much of a sham today was?”
    His eyes narrowed at her sarcasm. “My parents were on a world cruise when we announced our engagement. I insisted that they finish it.”
    “Perhaps we should have held the wedding off one more day.”
    “Repairs on the church begin first thing Monday and tomorrow’s Sunday service. The first lesson in business is that you have to take the window opportunity hands you, and this was the window. Anyway, if it appeases your sensibilities, my parents understood our hurry,” Dylan said brusquely. “They think we’re madly in love, and they are old-fashioned enough to believe that sex waits until the wedding night.”
    “Perhaps in a regular marriage people anticipate the wedding night.”
    He stepped around the table so that he towered over her. “Make no mistake. I want you, Maddy. I can think of nothing I’d rather do than have you lying beneath me, writhing with passion as I take you over the edge.”
    With that he pulled her upwards, crushing her in a kiss that was as passionate as it was possessive. Every defensive wall crumbled underneath at his sensual onslaught. It was as if she’d been made for this, made for him. She molded herself to fit, wove her hands around his neck and gave into the sensations overtaking her.
    He slid his hands to her breast, pushing the bodice down so he could slide his hand inside. His fingertips found her nipple and he rolled it, sending pleasure shooting through her. She had the strongest need to clench her legs, but he’d stepped between them and the heaviness and the wetness seeped and created a fire her body had to quench. He kept her mouth pinned with his as he moved to touch her other breast and she ached for more as his tongue mated with hers.
    Then coldness descended as he yanked away from her. Like being doused with a bucket of cold water, Maddy tried to straighten up.
    “Go to bed. It’s been a long day. Don’t worry, you’ll be safe from the monster you claim I am. When you’re ready to stop lying to yourself about how turned on you are, let me know.”
    Maddy’s chest heaved as she drew breath. She forced her feet to move, somehow held her head high. Damn the man! She stalked toward the first floor hallway, turning around

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