The Bloody Quarrel (The Complete Edition)

The Bloody Quarrel (The Complete Edition) by Duncan Lay

Book: The Bloody Quarrel (The Complete Edition) by Duncan Lay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Duncan Lay
Tags: Fiction, General, Fantasy, Action & Adventure, Epic
    “That’s if he doesn’t want us to watch over Swane while that is going on,” Gallagher reminded him.
    Everyone had relaxed and started to think about the evening meal, and some had even begun to complain about being stuck in these rooms all day, when Regan returned.
    “Hide the weapons,” Fallon ordered, as men jumped up in fear, “but be ready to use them.”
    But Regan merely had another scroll to deliver. “The King wants you to hand this to Duchess Dina at her townhouse,” he announced.
    “Are all his messengers sick or something?” Fallon asked suspiciously.
    “The King asked for you particularly. You may take three companions and you need to leave now.” He handed the scroll over. “Fail and the King will look on it as a breaking of your promise.”
    With that, the chamberlain turned and strode away.
    “Could they have made this any more obvious as a trap?” Gallagher asked.
    “But why go to all this effort?” Fallon growled. “Why not come in here with swords drawn?”
    “Well, if it is a trap, we shall give them a surprise,” Brendan said with relish.
    “I should have killed the bastard when I had the chance.” Fallon cursed and thumped the wall.
    “There’s many reasons to go back in time but no way to do it, so give it up, man,” Gallagher said sourly.
    “You can’t go,” Padraig said firmly.
    Fallon patted Gallagher on the shoulder in apology. “Gall is right. We have no choice,” he told the old wizard. “You heard Regan. We have to take the chance there is something else happening. Otherwise we are all dead. Look, use a bird to watch us and if something happens, you’ve got warning.”
    Padraig sighed.
    Fallon embraced his father-in-law. “Just get Kerrin out. That’s all I ask,” he whispered. “I promised him I would not leave him and I will do all I can to return. But we are the King’s pawns now and we must play his game.”
    Padraig winked. “That I can do. But make sure you get back. Bridgit would kill me if anything happened to you.”
    Fallon turned to his friends. “I am sorry, lads. You don’t have to come. I can ask for volunteers—”
    “We are your constables,” Devlin said. “You’re not going anywhere without us.”
    “Besides, a trap doesn’t always work,” Brendan said flatly. “All we have to do is break it.”
    But nothing happened as they walked through the streets. All four of them were carrying every weapon they could think of and the crowds were parting before them but they walked to the Duchess’s house without anything happening.
    “I wish they would hurry up and spring the trap on us. I am getting hungry and hate fighting on an empty stomach,” Brendan grumbled.
    “You might get your wish,” Gallagher said. “Don’t look now but we’re being followed.”
    Instantly Brendan turned around.
    “Could you make it any more obvious? If Devlin had turned, they might have missed him in the crowd but no, the biggest of us has to do it,” Gallagher sighed.
    “Six of them, it looks like. All wearing brown cloaks,” Brendan reported. “Shall we take them now?”
    “It’s the ones I can’t see that I worry about,” Fallon said. “The Duchess’s house is just there. Let’s get inside and see if we can spot how many there really are.”
    The mysterious men made no move to attack them as they hammered on the door, which was opened. They were ushered inside to where the Duchess was less than pleased to see them.
    “The King sent you here?” she gasped. “For Aroaril’s sake, this has to be a trap!”
    “We’re being followed,” Fallon agreed.
    But, although they peered carefully out of the windows, all they could see was the same six figures.
    “There’s nothing for it. We’ll have to go out there and attack them,” Fallon said.
    “Can we at least eat first?” Brendan asked.
    But the Duchess had other ideas. “There is another choice,” she said. “There is a back door. Those men will think you will

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