The Bouquet List
time, she’d always imagined breaking free one day, living life on her own terms, and she wanted that for any family she might have.
    She took another piece of bread, marveling at the fact that something they’d shared—the experience of life with the Katsalos family—had impacted them so differently. She couldn’t help but be disappointed they were people who dreamed of such dissimilar futures.
    “I can’t believe he turned you down!” Genie said as the hair stylist twisted her hair up into an elaborate do the following day. “Is he nuts? Look at you with your gorgeous, fresh style and your new confidence. What other man would pass up the opportunity of a relationship with this?” She waved her finger in the air in front of Yasmin.
    “I think the fact that it’s me is scaring him off,” Yasmin said as she played with one of the stylist’s haircombs. “That if things ended badly between us it could damage his friendship with Nick, and my whole family for that matter. If I was anyone but a Katsalos, he might be tempted.”
    “But you weren’t exactly asking him to walk down the aisle with you, you… Ow!”
    “Sorry,” the hairdresser said, flinching. “Those combs have quite sharp ends.”
    “No kidding…” Genie gave her a dark look and then turned her attention back to Yasmin. “I mean, you weren’t asking for anything long term. And why would your family have to know? Maybe you just need to say to him that it would be short and sweet and no one else would find out. Alternatively,” she said with a cheeky grin, “you could ask him to take you to the nude rodeo and see how things develop from there. Have you told him he has a duty to help you fulfill one particular item on your list?”
    “Yes, I have.” Yasmin bit down on her lip as she remembered their conversation. “I felt a bit silly at first, but he seemed interested that I’d have that as a priority.”
    “Of course he did. It’s super sexy to have someone tell you that you fit all their criteria for a fling. Imagine if a guy said that to you.” She put on a low and sultry voice. “My whole life I’ve wanted to spend one night with a woman with purple streaks in her hair and a kick-ass attitude. Take me now or my life will be incomplete.”
    Yasmin chuckled. “I just don’t think I’d ever fit on any list of Lane’s. Unless it was for a career-focused woman with good table manners, or as a member of his favorite family. He’s so serious and stable, and he has such firm views on everything. He’s all or nothing. You’ve got to admit that I’m hardly like that anymore.”
    She thought about the connection she could feel growing between her and Lane though, the teasing, the laughing, the working on something so important together. Maybe there was too much to lose. “I don’t know, maybe it was a silly thing to do—put seducing a tall, dark man on my list.”
    “It wasn’t silly at all. You’ve always had the hots for him, and if I’m not mistaken, that feeling has only increased since you met up again. I think you should give it another shot. Let him know that you’re only after a little fun and I bet he’ll change his mind.”
    “Close your eyes.” The hair stylist held up a can of hair spray and sprayed a cloud around Genie’s head. “Hang on and I’ll get a mirror to show you the back.”
    When she’d gone, Genie leaned closer. “I look ridiculous, don’t I? My hair looks like one of those boy wigs from the seventeenth century. The ones that had all the maggots wriggling underneath because people would never wash them.” She pulled a disgusted face and then scratched her head vigorously. “This hairdresser is a friend of Carmel’s mother so I can’t say anything, but sheesh, it looks bad.”
    Yasmin grinned at her friend. “It’s not your usual wild style, but I’m sure it’ll look beautiful with your bridesmaid’s dress.”
    Genie suddenly grabbed Yasmin’s arm. “Don’t tell me Lane’s not

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