The Breaker's Resolution: (YA Paranormal Romance) (Fixed Points Book 4)

The Breaker's Resolution: (YA Paranormal Romance) (Fixed Points Book 4) by Conner Kressley

Book: The Breaker's Resolution: (YA Paranormal Romance) (Fixed Points Book 4) by Conner Kressley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Conner Kressley
needed, Cresta Karr. As are you. As is he.” She motioned to Sevie. He was still swinging at the serpent, who looked even bigger somehow. A hard breeze ripped through the air, and I shivered.
    “We have to help him,” I said, but something stopped me from moving toward him.
    “There is no help for him, Cresta Karr. This battle has always been his, and only he can attend to it in the manner required.” Wendy blinked hard. “Your path is yours, and his is his. The battle he faces is not of your hand. It is barely of your world. And the fact that your paths crossed at all is nothing short of an abomination born from desperation and hubris.”
    “But he’ll freeze.” I heard the words escape my lips, so I knew they were mine. For the life of me though, I wasn’t sure why I said them. Nothing Wendy had told me made any sense, which was pretty common where Wendy was concerned. And, given the fact that Sevie was fighting a giant snake in a dark bloodmoon dreamscape the weather should have been the least of my concerns. Wendy didn’t seem taken aback though.
    “He was born to endure this kind of weather.” She turned to me. “This is not our concern. The troubles of the Constants having no bearing for us. The fact that he pulled you here is irrelevant to what is to come…for either of you.”
    “What is a Constant?” I asked, suddenly much warmer than I had been before.
    “That is not for you to know. Though it’s quite a shame that only one of them can remember.”
    I took my eyes off of him for one second. It was just a second. But the instant I did, Sevie’s scream ripped into my eardrums.  
    He was on the ground, bleeding from his left arm with his sword just out of reach. The serpent slithered closer to him, fangs bared.
    “He’s going to kill him,” I muttered. Without thinking, I darted toward Sevie. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Even after everything I had been through, a giant snake was out of my comfort zone. But there had to be shade here, right? I mean, Sevie had to be producing it. I’d grab hold of the energy and rip this damn monster in half.
    My fight or not, this stupid thing was about to learn what the bloodmoon was really capable of.
    I slid toward him, throwing myself between Sevie and the creature.
    “Cresta?” He said in a small voice behind me. “You promised you would tell him. You promised you’d tell Owen what I said.”
    “You’ll tell him yourself,” I said, extending my arms and reaching out for a bit of shade to shape.
    But I found nothing. I found none. But how could that be? Sevie was a Breaker. He produced shade. It had to be there.
    And then his words flooded my ears again.
    I couldn’t be a Breaker because that is not what I am.
    “Sevie, I…”
    The serpent slithered closer to me, its fangs glistening red under the light of the bloodmoon, under the light of my bloodmoon.
    “Cresta, where are you?” he asked from behind me.
    The serpent stared me in the eyes. It blinked and, for an instant, its eyes were deep and blue. They were a person’s eyes.
    “You,” it said, directly into my head. “You don’t belong here.”
    “Cresta, where did you go?!” Sevie screamed.
    I wanted to turn to him, to let him know that I was right here in front of him. But I couldn’t move. I was transfixed by this horrible thing, by this beautiful thing.
    “You are not us,” the snake said. “Your days have numbers.”
    “Cresta, where are you?!” Sevie yelled again. And before I could pull myself from the stalwart gaze of the serpent, I was gone.
    I stood in a small bare room with three walls and an abyss that was only darkness. Wendy stood in front of me wearing a plain blue sun dress and looking much tanner than I had ever seen her before.
    “Where am I?” I asked, jerking as I realized that, whether I wanted to or not, I had just left Sevie all alone with that thing.
    “You are where you are and I am where I am. The difference is stark now, but it

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