The Bridesmaid's Hero

The Bridesmaid's Hero by Narelle Atkins Page A

Book: The Bridesmaid's Hero by Narelle Atkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Narelle Atkins
take my car on Wednesday.”
    “Are you sure?” He eyed the late-model hatchback parked under a tall tree, welcoming the thought of air-conditioning as he drove in the predicted summer heat.
    Maggie nodded. “It will be easier to get around Canberra in my car.”
    “Thanks. I appreciate your offer.”
    “You’re welcome. Have you told Serena about your job search in Canberra?”
    “No.” He walked beside her to the car. “I don’t know if I can turn down the Victorian job if I don’t have another one lined up.”
    “Why?” His mom plonked her purse on the floor of the passenger seat.
    “Wouldn’t it be irresponsible to turn down a high-paying job? A permanent job with career potential?”
    Maggie shook her head. “I’m sorry. This is my fault.”
    “How? I don’t follow.”
    “You’re being too responsible, too cautious.”
    He tilted his head to the side. “The job would be perfect if it was in a different location.”
    “I know. If your father had been more responsible in the way he handled our family finances, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
    He raised an eyebrow. “I don’t get it. What does this have to do with Dad?”
    “It has everything to do with your father. You love Serena, and you should be prepared to take a financial risk to be with her.”
    “I have to factor in the additional cost of my course next year.”
    She sighed. “The worst-case scenario is you live at home with me. Then you’re only two hours away from Serena.”
    “I’ve prayed for job security and regular work. I’ve done a combination of jobs for years and tried to save money. It’s time I found a good job that will lead me into a career.”
    “I agree one hundred percent. I believe the right job opportunity will come your way. You need to trust that God will provide in His timing.”
    He shook his head. “But what if this job is the only good one that comes my way? If I say no, I could be missing my opportunity to become a fully qualified equine vet.”
    “What’s more important? A great job or building a life with the woman you love?”
    “They’re both important.”
    “Here’s the thing.” She leaned back against the car, sunglasses hiding her eyes. “You don’t have to choose. I believe Serena is in a good financial situation and has a secure job she enjoys.”
    “You aren’t suggesting Serena supports me?”
    “No, but I am suggesting you could start your course next year and wait for the right job in Canberra. Trust that God will provide for you financially, and won’t leave you out in the cold.”
    “I do trust God. I have faith and I pray.”
    “You do realize Serena will end your relationship if you take the Victorian job.”
    His jaw fell slack. “Have you been talking to Hope?”
    “Yes, but it’s also the logical outcome. If you take the job, you could be living in that town for five or more years. What’s Serena going to do? There are zero employment prospects for her.”
    “I know. That’s why I’m conflicted.”
    “If she was my daughter, I’d be telling her to break up with you.”
    “Mom! You’re supposed to be on my side.”
    “I am, which is why I’m praying you’ll overcome your fears and take a risk by declining the job offer. Do you love Serena?”
    “I love her and can’t stop thinking about her.”
    “A love like yours is rare. It’s precious, and something to be treasured. Are you prepared to let her go, to walk away?”
    He closed his eyes, his mother’s advice rattling around in his mind. Was he letting fear rule his life? Did he trust God enough to believe that a job in Canberra would eventuate at the right time?
    “Okay, Mom. I’m going to pray about this today and sleep on it.”
    “Thank you. I promise I’ll drop the subject for the rest of the day, and we can talk tomorrow morning.”
    “You have a deal.” He’d allocated time later today to work in his mother’s garden and mow the lawn. A good opportunity to think and reassess

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