The Bridesmaid's Hero

The Bridesmaid's Hero by Narelle Atkins Page B

Book: The Bridesmaid's Hero by Narelle Atkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Narelle Atkins
his financial situation. He’d find a way to create a viable future with Serena that didn’t obstruct their careers. Relocating to Canberra might be his best option.

    Chapter Nine
    Serena’s alarm woke her from a restless sleep the following Wednesday morning. Her phone beeped, a message from Harry appearing on the screen. He’d left Snowgum Creek at seven, and he wanted to meet her at nine-thirty at the National Arboretum Canberra.
    She buried her face in her pillow, her stomach uneasy. Did she have the courage to end their relationship today if she learned he’d accepted the job in Victoria?
    At nine, she drove out of her apartment complex, the tail end of the morning peak hour slowing her progress as she passed Parliament House on Capital Hill. She headed west toward the Arboretum, choosing the scenic route by Lake Burley Griffin.
    Ten minutes early, she parked her car and walked inside the dome-shaped Village Centre building on the elevated hillside. Sunlight filtered in through the windows in the high ceiling. The gift store beckoned and she browsed, phone in hand.
    She’d cleared her schedule today, glad to take a break from the busy restaurant and rest her leg. It was healing well and had survived the long hours on her feet.
    Her phone rang. Harry. “Where are you?”
    “I’ve just arrived. Are you inside?”
    “Yes, I’ll meet you at the entrance.”
    “Okay, see you soon.”
    She rushed toward the main doors, her pulse picking up speed. Harry had occupied her thoughts since she’d returned to Canberra last week.
    He strode through the two sets of wood-framed glass sliding doors, his hair wind-blown and sunglasses perched on his head.
    She curved her lips into a welcoming smile. “Harry.”
    “Serena.” His eyes sparkled, and he embraced her in a warm hug.
    She held him close, inhaling his familiar scent. How could she let him go?
    He stepped back, his hands resting on her shoulders. “How’s your leg?”
    “It’s much better. Thanks for driving here to see me.”
    “A pleasure.”
    “Did you have a good trip?”
    “Yeah, it’s an easy drive but I could do with a double shot latte.”
    “Sounds good. We can sit at a table near the windows.”
    “That works for me.” He walked with her to the line at the café. “Would you like something to eat?”
    “No, I’m fine, thanks. Just a coffee.”
    “Too easy.” He placed their order, collected the plastic pager, and chose a table near the floor-to-ceiling windows.
    She sat opposite the windows, the panoramic view of the Canberra region and Lake Burley Griffin snatching her attention. Black Mountain Tower and the flagpole on top of Parliament House stood out among the rolling hills. The setting reminded her of their Snowy Mountains date, and their first kiss at the lookout.
    He leaned back in his seat, a smile on his lips. “I love the view.”
    “It’s stunning.” She clasped her hands together in her lap, determined to hold her emotions in check and wait for his decision. She was ready to talk, and she prayed they could reach a compromise.
    “What time are you starting work?”
    “I’m not. I took the day off.”
    He grinned. “Does this mean you can spend the whole day with me?”
    “Yes, assuming you want to hang out with me that long.”
    “I do. But I have an appointment at two.”
    She lifted a brow. “Will it take long?”
    “I’m not sure. It’s a job interview.”
    Her mouth gaped. “You’re thinking about moving here.”
    “It’s an option.” The beeper sounded and he stood. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
    She stared out the windows, the tranquil scenery at odds with her chaotic thoughts. Had he made his decision? Would he regret turning down his dream job?
    Harry placed their latte mugs on the table. “I’m not sure if the job I’m applying for today will be suitable.”
    “How come?” She stirred a sachet of sugar into the frothy milk.
    “It’s a six-month fixed contract. I’m not sure if

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