The Cannibal Within

The Cannibal Within by Mark Mirabello

Book: The Cannibal Within by Mark Mirabello Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mark Mirabello
when they are in this form, the transhumans can telepathically suppress the sensory areas of the human brain and literally disappear from sight. The targeted victim—an unfortunate man, woman, or child--is then eaten alive, raped, or abducted by unseen horrors.
    Feeding Habits
Technically, the monsters are omni-carnivores. Since ‘the blood is the life,’ they will eat anything that lives and bleeds.
    The brain—a special repository of spiritual power—the seat of memory, judgement and thought—is their favorite food. When pinkish-gray in color, it is considered especially delicious.
    The liver—which they consider poisonous—is always extracted and discarded.
    When eating humans, the monsters classify their victims as giants, dwarfs, and worms. These correspond to adults, children, and embryos respectively.
    Although dead flesh is normally tabu to these creatures— eating carrion, they believe, shortens the life span—there is one exception. In a special religious ritual, they will eat animals (including humans) killed by lightning.
    During all feedings, they allow no metals to touch their food. Believing that metal poisons meat, they eat with naked hands.
True to their fiercely predatory nature, these monsters love to devour one another. Although the supply is finite, they believe transhuman meat is the most perfect of all foods. When one transhuman eats another, however, the indulgence is always surrounded by taboos. Called a ‘Cannibal Hunt’— the time when ‘souls are torn with violence from beautiful flesh’—the practice is restricted to special times in special places with special methods.
    Only lower animals—such as humans—are eaten without ritual.
    ‘Thrill Killings’—A Crime In The Eyes Of The Monsters
All ‘thrill killings’—all simple murders in which no flesh is eaten—are strictly prohibited by transhuman law and custom.
    Killing without eating—something that occurs in human wars—is a crime against nature. No predator, say the monsters, should ever squander death.
    According to their ancient superstitions, uneaten murder victims return as vengeful ghosts. This applies to all species.
    Chapter VII The Life Cycle Of The Master Species
    ‘The grain produces the seed, and the seed produces the grain. Learn from this.’
Occult Teaching on the ‘Circle of Life’
    The Infancy Years Of The Transhumans
After the copulation of these monsters, baby transhumans are born after a long pregnancy. Typically, the child spends eleven months in the maternal darkness of the womb.
    There are always two babies—always identical twins—per pregnancy. The infants, who are normally delivered about ten minutes apart, typically laugh at birth. The crying of newborns is a characteristic of only lower or ‘simian man.’
    Most transhuman babies are born healthy, but the few who are sickly, puny, misshapen, or obviously imbecilic are devoured immediately by the parents. Strict eugenicists who have evolved beyond compassion, the transhumans believe that inferior offspring—the so-called ‘useless eaters’—should not be allowed to pollute the species.
    The healthy newborns are welcomed into the world with an ancient ceremony. Anointed with a mixture of fresh blood and fresh earth, they are given ‘names of power’ by the mother. The father, meanwhile, devours the afterbirths and umbilical cords.
    Transhuman babies usually learn to walk within hours of leaving the womb. (Like the legendary goddess Athena, these creatures really have no childhood.) Highly precocious, no transhuman ever has to crawl.
    Feeding The Monster Babies
Transhuman babies feed on milk until the age of six months. They are violent eaters—aggressive obscenities who often bruise and injure the teats of their mothers.
    At six months, the twins are given their first taste of blood. Called the ‘Blood Sacrament,’ the mother tears off a primate head and holds it aloft so that warm arterial fluid runs down on to

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