The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club

The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club by Lexi Eddings Page B

Book: The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club by Lexi Eddings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Eddings
she’s underpricing her stuff. By quite a bit.”
    â€œMaybe if we were in Boston,” Jake allowed. “In Coldwater, I bet everybody and his brother has this sort of thing in their attic.”
    â€œI won’t take that bet.” She chuckled and put the red bowl down next to the green one.
    Nope, make that chartreuse.
    â€œBut since you brought up betting,” she said, “have you heard that Danny Scott lost his house in a poker game?”
    She was only after the straight skinny on Scott. Jake had started to feel more like his old self when he’d thought she might have come looking for him. That puffed-up something inside him deflated like a popped balloon. “Yeah, I heard about it.”
    â€œIs it true?”
    He nodded. “It’s why Anne left him.”
    â€œI don’t understand. Daniel never had a gambling problem.”
    â€œMaybe he never used to,” Jake said, “and I know you don’t want to hear it, but a lot of things have changed since you left.”
    Like me not being with a woman since Afghanistan. Little things like that.
    â€œYou’re right,” she said. “You were right last night, too. I guess I’ve changed as well. Otherwise, I never would have been so rude to you. I’m sorry, Jake.”
    â€œNo need to apologize.” But he was glad she had. “You’ve been dealing with some pretty serious shi—”
    He stopped himself short. He wasn’t talking to a bunch of foul-mouthed jarheads. He was talking to the girl he hoped to impress with how much he’d changed for the better, titanium leg and all.
    â€œSome serious stuff,” he amended. “Just moving across country is enough to put most folks on edge.”
    Then the latent player in Jake recognized that if she felt the need to apologize, he had an advantage, if for only a moment. “But if you’re really sorry, there is a way you can make it up to me.”
    â€œHow?” She arched a suspicious brow.
    â€œI’m supposed to open up the family lake house this afternoon. It’s easier to do with two pairs of hands. There’ll be time to do some fishing once we’re done. And if we don’t catch anything, I’ll grill us some steaks.” He flashed his best smile. It had rarely failed him. “Wanna come?”
    â€œI can’t.” She glanced at her watch. “The cable guy is coming to my place in a bit and I have to be on hand to protect him from Effie.”
    Jake chuckled. “Poor misunderstood cat.”
    â€œYou want her?”
    He shook his head. “I’m really more of a dog person.”
    â€œEffie has that effect on people.”
    Jake prided himself on never hearing the first no when he asked a woman out. This was only strike one. “How about next Thursday? I can push opening up the house till then. My family doesn’t really like to use the place until the weather heats up.”
    Spring-fed Lake Jewel lived up to the town’s name. Until the air temperature hit the 90s and stayed there, swimming in the cold lake was only for the stout of heart.
    And numb of backside.
    â€œI don’t know if I’ll be off next Thursday,” Lacy said. “I’ve got a job now.”
    When she told him she’d taken the position at the Gazette, he bit back a grin. Then he restrained himself from reminding her that he’d suggested that very thing on her first day home. He didn’t think she’d appreciate either reaction.
    Anyway, that was strike two as far as asking out Lacy went.
    May as well go down swinging.
    â€œWell, let me know when your day off is and I’ll see if I can get Arthur to switch and cover for me at the grill then.”
    â€œOK. I’ll find out tomorrow and let you know. I haven’t been to the lake in ages. It’ll be fun,” Lacy said. “I’ll check on that Fiestaware, too. I’d hate to see your mom get cheated

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