The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club

The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club by Lexi Eddings

Book: The Coldwater Warm Hearts Club by Lexi Eddings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lexi Eddings
the first payment later this week. Be careful when you deliver it.”
    â€œNo worries here. I’ll be in and out before they know I’m there. Besides, nobody’s gonna mess with me,” Shannon assured her. “I know how to use a pair of shears.”
    That made Lacy laugh out loud.
    Wanda’s door swung open.
    â€œGotta go,” Lacy said. “I’ll call you soon.”
    She hit the button to end the conversation and stood before Wanda got up another full head of steam. “I’m heading out to visit some merchants to get ideas for that design column.”
    Wanda swallowed the reprimand she’d obviously planned and beamed her approval instead. “I knew you’d catch on quick. Let Tiffany know which shops you’re going to mention in your article and she can hit them up for some ads to run alongside the piece.”
    Lacy nodded and headed out the door. She seriously doubted she’d find anything in the Junk-shun worth a single line. Even a line in a paper as fluffy as the Gazette .
    But she seriously hoped she’d find Jake still there.

Chapter 7
    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
Good thing. Otherwise, I’d be out of business.
    â€”Phyllis Wannamaker, owner of Secondhand Junk-shun
    J acob carried the box of Fiestaware to the booth his mother rented in the back corner of Secondhand Junk-shun. He’d offered to put up a few shelves in the Green Apple for her more than once. If she sold her items there, she’d be able to save the rent, but his mom was determined to keep her booth in the junk shop.
    Since his dad passed last year, his mom had been adamant about pulling her own weight and not leaning on her kids. Selling stuff in the Junk-shun was a relatively painless way to do it. His mother had inherited the household goods of both his grandmothers and three great-aunts to boot. Her supply of vintage glassware, derelict appliances, and aging furniture was nearly endless.
    As he unpacked the box, the soft click of boot heels on the old hardwood and a familiar voice came from behind him.
    â€œHey, Jake.”
    Jake turned to see Lacy Evans smiling up at him as if she hadn’t smacked him down big time last night. She was looking mighty hot in a flirty skirt, a sweater that hugged her curves, and a pair of bright pink cowboy boots. He grinned down at her feet. “Nice to see you can’t take the country out of the girl.”
    She extended one cute little booted foot. “Mom brought these over this morning. I’d left them here when I moved east. Looks like they still fit. Besides, what else would I wear in Coldwater? Prada?”
    When he was in Helmand province, all he could think about was getting back home to Coldwater Cove. Why did she have to give the town a back-handed slap every chance she got?
    â€œWell, shucks, ma’am.” Jake exaggerated his accent for effect. “What would a country boy like me know about shoes? You’re lucky I’m wearin’ any at all. We don’t as a rule here in the sticks less’n we’re going to meetin’ on Sundays.”
    â€œFunny.” She smirked and stuck out her tongue. “You know what I mean. I didn’t want to look out of place when I was in Boston. I want to blend in here just as much.”
    â€œNever figured you for the blending type,” he said as he unwrapped another soup bowl. “You lit out of Coldwater so quick the fall after graduation, it was like you couldn’t wait to stand out.”
    â€œYeah, I did, but what can I say? I’ve learned life’s easier when you fit in.”
    Jake shrugged. With his stump and metal leg, in some ways he’d never fit in again.
    â€œI didn’t expect to bump into you away from the Green Apple like this,” she said.
    â€œI’m not chained to the grill, and anyway, Arthur still comes in to cook on Thursdays.”
    When Jake had bought

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