The Cowboy's Triplets

The Cowboy's Triplets by Tina Leonard

Book: The Cowboy's Triplets by Tina Leonard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Leonard
by the arm, he led her indoors. She wore white mittens, a white scarf and a cream-colored coat, which set off her dark hair. But it was the look in her eyes that caught Pete’s attention. Her eyes were sparkling, but it wasn’t a happy sparkle. “Have you been crying?”
    She didn’t reply. Instead, she took several deep breaths.
    She was scaring the hell out of him. Pete’s heart skipped into faster beats. “Come sit down,” he said, taking her by the arm and leading her into the family room of the main house. “Can I get you something? Water?”
    â€œNo. Thank you.”
    He waited, his breath caught in his chest. Whatever she wanted to talk about, she seemed to be hesitating. Maybe she regretted giving him the boot. Was there achance she wanted him back? His heart soared at the thought.
    If he could only be so fortunate.
    â€œJackie,” he said, “tell me what’s on your mind.”
    â€œI think I’m pregnant,” she said, so softly he nearly missed what she said.
    He couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face. “What did you say?”
    â€œI think I’m pregnant.” And then she burst into tears.
    â€œOh, wow.” He laughed, delighted. “This is great! Why are you crying?” Suddenly, he was bewildered. Why was she crying? Wasn’t a baby a great thing? A miracle?
    â€œBecause I’m pregnant!”
    â€œOh, no, no, don’t cry, Jackie,” he said. “I’ll take care of you. And the baby.”
    She jumped to her feet. “I don’t need to be taken care of.”
    â€œWell—” He stopped, considered the mulish set to her face. “You don’t want me to take care of you?”
    He frowned. “But that’s what men do. They take care of their women.”
    â€œI am not your woman.”
    â€œIf you’re having my child, Jackie, you’re my woman.”
    â€œYou sound like a caveman.” She blew her nose into a tissue, which he thought was darling. She was so upset—and just like a woman, insisted she didn’t need help when she so obviously did.
    â€œIf you don’t need anything from me, why did you come here?” Pete asked, trying to reason with Jackie. Make her understand that clearly she did need him.
    â€œBecause everyone in Diablo will talk. So I just thought you should be the first to know.”
    Pride puffed Pete up. “We’ll get married, Jackie, and no one will be the wiser nine months from now.”
    That brought a fresh burst of waterworks.
    â€œWe never talked about marriage before. Not really. Not seriously.”
    â€œTrue,” he said, pulling her toward him. She allowed him to rub her back as she buried her face in his chest for a moment. She felt so good to him. He’d been dreaming of a reason to touch her again, see her again and now he’d been handed this golden opportunity. He was going to be a father. “Aunt Fiona will be so happy.”
    â€œWhat?” Jackie raised her head to look at him.
    â€œOh, Aunt Fiona wants us all married.” Smiling, he touched his palm to her cheek. “We need to be married and have children if we want her to will us the ranch.”
    She blinked, her dark-brown eyes wet with tears. “What are you talking about?”
    â€œRancho Diablo. Aunt Fiona seems to be trying to make us believe she’s on her deathbed. She’s not, of course. Jonas says she’s strong as a horse and will probably outlive us all. But,” he said, brushing his lips against hers in a fast kiss, “now she claims she’s changed her will. Whichever of us gets married and has the most children will inherit the ranch.”
    â€œSo Rancho Diablo would be yours, now that we’re having a baby?”
    Pete shook his head. “Not all mine. My brothers and I agree that we’re going to split the ranch anyway. Only one of us needs to get married

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