The Doctor's Society Sweetheart

The Doctor's Society Sweetheart by Lucy Clark

Book: The Doctor's Society Sweetheart by Lucy Clark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Clark
as he’d also felt a pang of sorrow when she’d confessed to never getting to spend time with her father. He’d had ample proof both in his own life in Australia and here on Tarparnii to know that happiness couldn’t bebought, and that slight glimpse she’d allowed him into her life had made him ponder just what else she’d missed out on due to the wealth and circumstances she’d been born into.
    He was lying on his mat, hands laced behind his head as he stared up at the thatched roof, determined to remove thoughts of Emmy from his mind, when the door to the hut opened. Dart closed his eyes for a moment, not wanting to deal with a medical emergency at this time but knowing it was his job to do so. At least he was already dressed, having learned very early on during his first visit to Tarparnii that it was much easier to sleep in light trousers, his torch next to his pillow, his shoes always ready at the door.
    ‘What’s the problem?’ he asked as he sat up and opened his eyes. He was in the process of reaching for his torch when he realised the intrusion wasn’t about a medical emergency. Although she stood in silhouette, he didn’t need to have a light on to know Emerson-Rose had entered the hut, her sweet fresh scent winding its way about him.
    ‘Er…there’s no problem.’ She walked carefully over to where her bedroll and her backpack were situated.
    ‘What…what are you doing?’ He sat up straighter, his mind working frantically, already knowing exactly what she was doing and why but rejecting it at the same time.
    ‘Getting ready to sleep.’
    ‘Right. Uh…Emerson?’
    ‘Where are your crew? Are they coming soon?’
    ‘Nope? What do you mean, “nope”?’
    ‘They’re heading out with Jalak and a few of the men on an all-nighter to get some night footage.’
    ‘But it’s not safe. There are soldiers with guns out there…at night. It’s just not safe.’ Neither was it safe for him in here, alone with Emmy. He wanted those men in here now.Otherwise it would mean that he and Emmy would be alone all night long in the hut. Alone. Sue was monitoring the patient tonight and Dart had been relying on the fact that Emmy’s crew would be here.
    ‘That’s what I said but both Jalak and Meeree have told me my crew will be fine. They did, however, say it was no place for me and so I’ve basically been “sent to bed”, as it were.’ She tried to laugh, to lighten the strained atmosphere as she unrolled her sleeping mat. It contained a mat filled with down, a sheet and a pillow.
    Dart shook his head. This wasn’t happening. ‘I can sleep somewhere else, if you prefer,’ he remarked, trying to be diplomatic as well as ignoring the deep, almost sensual nature of his tone. The thought of himself and Emmy alone in the hut all night long…‘I’ll go sleep in the medical tent. That way, if an emergency comes in, you don’t need to worry about your sleep being disturbed.’
    Something in his words, his tone made her bristle. Didn’t the man want her help? Didn’t he think she was a serious doctor? That obtaining a medical degree had just been something she’d undertaken so she didn’t get bored? She shook her head and knelt on the mat, her fingers working quickly as she pulled the band from her hair and undid the plait.
    ‘First and foremost, Dartagnan, I’m registered with PMA to provide medical care during my stay. If there is a medical emergency tonight, I’m more than capable of assisting in whatever capacity you require.’ She reached into the side of her pack where she kept her torch, hoping she’d made her point and pleased she’d kept her voice firm yet in control. Hopefully now Dartagnan Freeman would get the message that she was here to help.
    ‘Now, if you don’t mind, I need to turn the torch on to look through my backpack.’ Without waiting for his reply,she pressed the button and light illuminated the entire hut instantly. She glanced over at

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