The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Page B

Book: The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
face. As strange as it seemed, if he had suggested such a thing only a few days ago, she may have even considered them, but luckily, for her, she had learned what type of person Mikel really was. She turned her eyes to the younger man with his arm around her. Now, she thought, if Zack suggested such a thing. She shook the foolish notion from her mind, who was she kidding, Zack would never suggest such a thing, that was one of the attractions about him.
    Danton crept as close as he could, staying out of sight, and when he thought he dare go no further, he vanished from sight. He walked casually up to the rear entrance of the house, there were no soldiers to be seen, so he decided to walk around the front. Once more, there were no signs of any soldiers, although he could tell a good number of people had paced around here, by the footprints in the softer mud.
    He moved closer to the window, and peered through, and could see movement from within. Walking around the back again, he took a deep breath, before making himself visible again. He rapped gently on the dark painted wooden door, and waited. He had decided if an unfriendly showed his face, he would vanish again before they had chance to get him. Feeling his heart pumping he heard a fumble at the lock, and the door opened.
    "Aileen!" he said pleased to see the old lady was okay, as she quickly gestured him inside. Before he could ask what had happened she started telling him, the moment she pushed the door closed. The soldiers had arrived just after they had escaped, and Stanton had managed to keep Linus out of it, by clumping him on the head again. Karl however had managed to get a hand free, and reach for his cross bow. Danton took a sharp intake of breath, expecting bad news.
    Karl was just about to fire as the first of the soldiers burst in. The bolt fired and hit Stanton in the arm, and as it happened, it could not have been timed better. Aileen afforded a smile, "Don't worry he'll live, He's had worse." With the soldiers seeing Karl firing the cross bow, they had dragged the man outside. "I then told them that Karl and Linus had tried to rob us, only Stanton had caught them unaware and hit them with the saucepan from behind." Danton looked at her, "They believed that?" he asked. Aileen nodded, "They must have done, they arrested the two of them and dragged them away."
    Danton asked about what they did when they had not found magicians here. She told him, that she and Stanton had no knowledge of such a thing, and that Karl and Linus must have made it up. They walked into the main room, where Stanton was sat on the chair, nursing his wound, and noticing Danton's looks of concern, the old man waved it away, "I am fine."
    Stanton told him that the soldiers had bought the story that Karl and Linus had planned to rob them and kill them, then probably use the rumour that magicians were on the loose so as to deflect any blame. "With them witnessing Karl shoot at me, I guess that was all the proof they needed." Danton looked at the old man's injury, "Melia can help you with that," he said.
    Whilst Aileen decided it was time to make them all something eat, Danton asked if they minded the others coming back. "We just need to collect our things and we'll be on our way," Danton added, not wanting to burden the old couple any more than he had to. He went over to the window facing southwards and created a magical orb of light. He had no worries about the old couple seeing him use magic, they had probably guessed the rumours to be true.
    "Our son could do something similar to that," Aileen said watching him, before Danton turned to her, surprised at the words. "They took him away and hung him without so much as a chance," Stanton added sadly.
    "I am so sorry," Danton said, genuinely feeling their pain.
    "It was a long time ago," Aileen said, "You just make sure you get those poor children to safety."
    "I will try my best," Danton replied.
    He peered

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