The Elusive Bride

The Elusive Bride by Stephanie Laurens

Book: The Elusive Bride by Stephanie Laurens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Laurens
she spun on her heel and, skirts swishing angrily, stalked to the companionway.
    Gareth watched her disappear down the steep stair.
    Leaving him with the taste of her on his lips.
    And thoroughly confused over what was going on.
    11th October, 1822
My cabin on Captain Ayabad’s schooner
    Dear Diary,
    I fear that in the matter of Gareth Hamilton, I am in danger of becoming quite wanton. I kissed him again, in the middle of the day, on the stern deck, in full view of anyone who might have been watching. I’m not sure anyone was, but I was in such a temper that I strode off before checking.
    My temper, of course, was all his fault. He admitted he commenced our journey thinking of me as a charge—a burden to be borne. No doubt out of honor. Huh! I refuse to be cast in such a light—to have him view me in such a patronizing way—but after recent events, he is, it seems, adjusting his perspective. Just as well. Him being my “one” necessitates his seeing me as the lady with whom he wishes to spend the rest of his life.
    Which was in large part the reason I kissed him again—to assist in rescripting his view. And for that I cannot be sorry. My next step, clearly, is to get him to kiss me back. I did hope, for a moment, but he patently needs further encouragement to step over that line.
    I am now adamant about pursuing him further. No one would expect me to desist given he is shaping up so well. With every day that passes, I grow more convinced—everything I see in him is laudable and attractive…well, except for his tendency to assume absolute command. And his continuing reticence over allowing himself to respond to me. I know he is not immune to the attraction that flares between us.
    Sadly, no further opportunity to advance my cause presented itself yesterday. After stealing that second kiss, I did not feel I could initiate another, not without risking his seeing me as fast. Today is unlikely to offer any new chance to go forward, but tomorrow Captain Ayabad says we will be putting in at Suakin. We will be spending the day there, on dry land, which might well result in further opportunities.
    We shall see.
    The next morning saw the schooner sliding over calm waters into the bay in which Suakin Island sat. Connectedto the mainland by a causeway, the island itself remained the center of the bustling township. Indeed, as far as Emily could see, buildings covered the entire island, all the way to the waterline.
    Their vessel circled to come into the docks. They passed craft of every conceivable type and style, but other than the heavy barges, off to one side, none were larger than the schooners.
    Captain Ayabad joined her, Gareth, Dorcas, and Watson in the bow. “We must take on water and supplies, which will occupy most of the day, but I am keen to put out in mid-afternoon, to use the tide to carry us down the channel and back into the Red Sea. So if you are planning to go ashore, you must be back by then.”
    Gareth nodded. He looked at Emily. “The market?”
    “Yes. We need supplies, too.”
    “The souk is roughly in the center of the island.” Ayabad pointed. “That is the Hanafi Mosque—if you go past it a little way, you will find the stalls.”
    Gareth thanked him. By the time the schooner was made fast and the gangplank rolled out, their party was ready to depart. After some discussion, Gareth had agreed that Arnia and Dorcas had to see what was available in the souk for themselves. He’d attempted to suggest that Emily might stay on board—the implication was “safe”—but after being cooped up on the schooner for days, she wasn’t about to pass up the chance of stretching her legs.
    Or of being present if the cultists attacked again.
    In the end, their entire party, bar only Watson—who agreed to remain aboard and keep an eye on their possessions—went ashore. Walking through the narrow streets, which only got narrower beyond the mosque, Emily was very conscious of trying to look

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