The Englor Affair
    Wonderful. Simon would bet his right testicle he knew who was leading that cause for reform…again. “The prince’s name is Aiden Townsend. He’s the third in line for the Regelence throne.” They reached the Serpentine and reined to a halt.
    “It’s true?”
    “It is.” Simon had learned that much from his informant on Regelence. The fact that Hawkins was married to a man made his visit even more puzzling. Hawkins had to know Englorians weren’t going to overlook it, even if he was a war hero. Simon swung his leg over the saddle and dropped to the ground. Gathering Cirilo’s reins, he waited for Dru.
    She slid to the ground, gripped the reins and fell in beside him. “Do you expect trouble?”
    Simon started walking, adjusting his stride to match hers. “I always expect trouble.”
    It paid to be cautious, especially where powerful men like Admiral Hawkins were concerned. “If you mean because of public outcry over Hawkins’s marriage, no. The admiral is a powerful man because of his status in the IN. The ton might not like it, but they can’t do anything about it. And I seriously doubt a man like Hawkins gives a bloody damn if he’s cut by society.”
    Dru snorted. “He”—she turned her head toward him, meeting his gaze—“nor anyone else should care about being unpopular over such a thing. It’s not against the law, last I heard.”
    Simon ignored her taunt. There was no use in repeating the same argument. He was not marrying a man. “No. It’s not against the law.” And it would remain that way if Simon had anything to say about it. “But that will not stop certain members of the peerage from trying to make it so.”

    The Englor Affair
    Mumbling something undoubtedly unladylike under her breath, Dru shook her head.
    “Fine. Do you want to hear the rest of the gossip?”
    Does it involve a very handsome and shy soldier? What he wanted was to find out if Payton was going to be at the gym tonight, but that wasn’t something Dru would know and unfortunately neither did Simon. He didn’t even know Payton’s last name.
    Several peers passed them going the opposite direction, some on horseback, others walking.
    “Si? Where are you? You’re a million miles away.” Dru waved to a couple of ladies walking by with a groom in tow.
    “Sorry, I was thinking about something else. Tell me what other rumors are making the rounds this week.”
    “Oh no.” She smiled brightly. “You aren’t getting out of it that easily. Who is he?”
    “What?” No way was he telling Dru anything. She’d badger him for details and start making wedding plans. Besides, there was nothing to tell…yet. “I was just thinking about work. It’s a little hectic with this base inspection going on.”
    Dru looked like she would argue for a moment, then she nodded. “Lady Carston is having an affair with Lord Grafton.”
    “I thought she was seeing the Earl of Hopkins.”
    “That was last month. Lord Paterson compromised Lady Sarah Foley and refused to marry her. Poor thing was sent to rusticate in the country.”
    Sarah was a nice girl. He’d have to see if he could set her up with a fellow soldier.
    “Anything else?”
    Pursing her lips, Dru touched a gloved finger to them. “You were seen sneaking out of my townhouse at three in the morning last Wednesday.” She waggled her eyebrows.
    A smile tugged at his lips. Last Wednesday he’d been at White’s with Wycliffe.
    Sometimes the ton and their idiotic rumors annoyed him, but this wasn’t one of those times. The stories always amused Dru and as long as they didn’t hurt her—which wasn’t likely with her status in society—they helped quiet the more damning whispers about him. “Was I?” 59

    J.L. Langley
    “Was I any good?”
    “I don’t know, you tell me.” Dru chuckled.
    He stepped closer and lowered his voice. “The best piece of arse in Englor.” His lips

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