The F-Word

The F-Word by Jesse Sheidlower

Book: The F-Word by Jesse Sheidlower Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jesse Sheidlower
She’s living up to her title: the Celebrity Fucker. 1970 J. Bouton
Ball Four
218: A stew [
stewardess] can come under the heading of class stuff, or table pussy, in comparison with some of the other creatures who are camp-followers or celebrity-fuckers. 1972 R. A. Wilson
Playboy’s Book of Forbidden Words
: A celebrity-fucker (the word was coined by writer-editor John Wilcock) is a young woman who will fuck anybody as long as he’s famous. 1974 P. K. Dick
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said
53: Do you think I slept with them because they were famous? Do you think I’m a CF, a celebrity fucker? 1986 R. Campbell
In La-La Land
232: I thought he was just a celebrity fucker, you know. 1993 R. Watson
22: Not women on the rebound, not women punishing their husbands, not women trying to make their boyfriends jealous, not celebrity fuckers, not women seeking publicity. 1997 G. Plimpton
Truman Capote
269: She [
. Lillian Hellman] was always such a celebrity fucker. 2004
New York Observer
(Nov. 24) 1: I’d hate to see it go in for more interviews, author photographs, publishing news, even the gossip—anything that cuts down on anything devoted to the review of books.… I hope it won’t go that way, but the whole culture is going that way, in a celebrity-fucker direction.
(of an article of clothing, especially shoes) intended to invite sexual advances. Also as
, a sexually provocative item of clothing. Compare FUCK-ME ,
[ 1972 B. Rodgers
Queens’ Vernacular
Come fuck-me’s
…overly tight pants.] 1990 P. Munro
Slang U
56: All her other clothes were preppy, but she had a C.F.M. skirt on. 1998 Personal letter to editor (Aug. 26): Out west, sexy boots worn by ladies are known as CFMs. 1998
Revised: Svengali
, on Usenet newsgroup Her legs …were nicely highlighted by the type of shoes Scully had once jokingly referred to as CFM shoes. 2001 B. Thacker
Rule No. 5—No Sex on the Bus
176: They would spend six months standing in bars with their CFM shirt on. 2002
(May 25) 18: The bride had forsaken her patent-leather, white-and-lilac “cfm” shoes with the six-inch heels in favour of Nike “air-heels” in which she danced enthusiastically. 2005 J. Coburn
Reinventing Mona
113: The group burst into wild applause when Violet stumbled on her five-inch CFM heels and momentarily lost her balance.
    charity fuck
1978 J. D. Macdonald
Empty Copper Sea
47: He described the awkward union which he terms “the charity fuck.” 1986 P. Anderson
Lords of the Earth
369: I don’t want your charity…That’s what it’s called, you know. A charity fuck. 1993 J. Varley
Steel Beach
344: If there’s a worse kind of sex than the charity fuck, I haven’t heard about it. 2001 A. Wall
School of Night
268: I sort of stumbled into her. I reckon it must have been a charity fuck, to be honest. 2005 M. Musto in
Village Voice
(Jan. 11) (Nexis): Worst Partygoer: A nebbish who cranes his head to find someone better, when you were only talking to him as a charity fuck anyway.
a depraved or disgusting fellow.—usually used with
. Also: a man who prefers to copulate with boys. [The 1984 quotation is euphemistic.]
1953 in G. Legman
Rationale of Dirty Joke
20: Suddenly two bald-headed men enter, and the parrot says, “You two chicken-fuckers come out in the hen-house with me.” 1970 M. Mirsky
Proceedings of the Rabble
159: “Chicken fuckers!” shouted the Maine men. Taking up their own guns, they began picking off Mississippi dogs. 1976–79 H. G. Duncan & W. T. Moore
Green Side Out
276 [refers to
1960]: All right ya bald-headed chicken fuckers, I want this area policed the fuck up. 1967–80 J. McAleer & B. Dickson
Unit Pride
387 [refers to Korean War]: Heave in the first shovelful…and run like a baldheaded chicken-fucker. 1984 S. Terkel
“Good War”
397 [refers to WWII]:

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