The Face of Death
bring the abductees into a specially equipped room, filled with restraints and instruments of torture. They’d spend days and weeks raping and torturing their victims. They videotaped most of what they did. One of their favorite implements was a cattle prod.
    “There is video, I’d said, “where you can see smoke pouring out of a young woman’s vagina because they used a cattle prod to penetrate her.”
    Just this, this tiny bit of information, far from the worst available, silences the room and turns some of those young faces white.
    “One of our agents, a woman, had the job of making a series of detailed drawings of all the whips and chains and saws and sex toys and other perversities that this couple had used on the women they’d brought into that room. She did her job. She spent four days doing it. I’ve seen the drawings and they were good. They were used in court, actually. Her superior praised her and told her to take a few days off. To go home, see her family, clear her head.” I had paused, letting my eyes roam over all those young faces. “She went home and spent the day with her husband and her little girl. That night, while they were asleep, she crept downstairs, got her service pistol out of the gun safe, and shot herself in the head.”
    There had been a few gasps. There had been a lot of silence.
    I had shrugged. “It would be easy to take that strong young woman and classify her and not think anything more about it. We could call her weak, or say that she must have already been depressed, or decide that something else was going on in her life that no one knew about. And you’re welcome to do that. All I can tell you is that she’d been an agent for eight years. She’d had a spotless record and had no history of mental illness.” I’d shaken my head. “I think she looked too much, went out too far, and got lost. Like a boat on the ocean with the shore nowhere in sight. I think this agent found herself floating on that boat and couldn’t figure out a way to get back.” I had leaned forward on the podium. “And that’s what I do, what my team does: We look. We look and we don’t turn away, and we hope that we can deal with that.”
    The administrator running the program hadn’t been all that happy with my talk. I hadn’t cared. It was the truth.
    I wasn’t mystified by the act of that female agent. It wasn’t the seeing that was the problem, not really. The problem was the
and the
stop seeing
. You had to be able to go home and turn off the images that wanted to giggle through your mind, all sly feet and whispers. This agent hadn’t been able to do that. She’d put a bullet in her head so she could. I empathized.
    I guess that’s what I was trying to tell those fresh-scrubbed faces: This isn’t fun. It’s not titillating, or challenging, or a roller-coaster scare.
    It’s something that must be done.
    It’s my gift, or my curse, to understand the desires of serial killers. To know why they feel the way they do. To feel them feeling it, just a little, or just a lot. It’s something that happens inside me, something based in part on training and observation, based in greater part on a willingness to become intimate with them. They sing to themselves, a song only they can hear, and you have to listen the way they listen if you want to hear the tune. The tune’s important; it dictates the dance.
    The most important component is thus the most unnatural act: I don’t turn away. I lean in for a closer look. I sniff them to catch their scent. I touch them with the tip of my tongue to catch their flavor. It has helped me capture a number of evil men. It’s also given me nightmares and moments where I wondered at my own hungers: Were they mine? Or had I just understood too
    “Barry is coming,” I tell Alan. “It’s his scene. It may not become ours, but let’s proceed as if it’s going to be. Callie, I want you to walk the scene with me. I need your forensic eyes.

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