The God Box
people of that time thought it was unclean, similar to talking to a Samaritan or eating shrimp or pork--not because those things were evil or wrong in themselves.
    St. Paul clarified in Romans Fourteen-Fourteen, 'I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that nothing is unclean in itself; but it is unclean for anyone who thinks it unclean.' Can't you understand that?""I understand," Cliff replied icily, reading again from his Bible, "Leviticus Twenty-Thirteen: 'If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death, their blood is upon them.'""Well, I'm gay." Manuel edged forward in his seat. "Do you think I should be put to death?"I sat listening, sure that Cliff would back down. I never expected the words that came out of his mouth: "That's what the Bible says.
    It's our job to obey."The room fell silent as the rest of us sat startled. Even Elizabeth looked shocked.I sat up in disbelief. "You don't mean that.""And who should put me to death?" Manuel challenged Cliff. "You?"Cliff hesitated. Was he considering the possibility?Aaron Esposito spoke up. "The Bible also says, 'Thou shalt not kill.'"Cliff glared at him. "Obviously, it makes exceptions." "For gay people?" Manuel asked. Cliff nodded. "That's what it says."80Angie called out, "Guys, stop it. This is crazy." "Can I ask you something else?" Manuel said to Cliff. "Do you have a weekend job?""Yeah," Cliff replied cautiously. "Including Sundays?" "Sometimes.""Well, doesn't Exodus Thirty-five-Two proclaim that for working on the Sabbath you also should be put to death?""That's different," Elizabeth interjected. "In Mark, Jesus proclaims, 'The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.'"Manuel turned to her. "You mean Jesus corrected the inerrant word of God?""Jesus was the Word made flesh," Cliff replied, sounding almost enlightened."Exactly!" Manuel nearly leaped out of his seat. "Don't you get what that means? He showed us how to question, think, and not make an idol of the Bible. Time and again, he challenged those who followed the Law--including Leviticus--to look into their hearts. Is it such a stretch to think that if Jesus had said anything at all about homosexuality, it might've been that it's not the gender of your partner that matters, but what's in your heart?""Listen!" Cliff ordered Manuel. "If you don't believe in the Bible, then maybe you should just leave."Manuel gazed at the rest of us. "So, is this like a cult where you can't disagree?""Of course you can disagree," Angie encouraged him."Then I disagree." Manuel frowned at Cliff. "How can you proclaim the Bible inerrant and claim to take it literally, but pick and choose to believe one part and not the other?"
    He glanced around our group. "I love the Bible. But I believe it's meant to soften our hearts, not harden them."81With that, he stood and grabbed his backpack."Manuel!" Angie called, but he was already out the door. She got up, glowering at Cliff, and followed after Manuel, still calling him. Dakota strode behind her, but not before telling Cliff, "You're a Neanderthal, you know that?"I wanted to follow too, and yet I remained seated, still too rattled from the debate."Let's get back to the story," Cliff told us, but Aaron spoke up: "I think we should stop for today.""Yeah,"
    the rest of us agreed.One of the girls closed our meeting with a prayer. Then we replaced our chairs in order, and I headed home, exhausted.82

Chapter 17
    SODOM STORY.When I got to my room, I went to my desk and gathered every Bible translation, concordance, dictionary, and commentary I owned. I also pulled up my favorite Bible website, determined to figure out for myself what the story of Sodom was really about."Jesus, please guide me," I prayed. "I'm trying hard to understand, but I need your help." Then I opened my Bible to

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