The Inheritance: Anything He Craves
than his 6'4 build in front of him with amusement. He
hadn't missed the pause she made at his crotch as her eyes examined
every inch of his body, nor did he miss the embarrassed blush that
quickly followed. She was girl next door cute in her button
fly blue jeans and white blouse and he liked it.
    Crossing his
arms over his chest, he leaned his shoulder against the door jab
and continued to wait patiently for her to get over her stammering
and finally get to the point of her visit. She had him baffled, she
had an elegant air to her screaming refinement and class, despite
the casual attire, but so nervous.
    "Am I supposed
to be guessing, cause it may take a while if I have to?" he
    "This was a
bad idea," she murmured, about to turn.
    Logan caught
her upper arm, stopping her. "Nah, go ahead. What do you need?"
    She sighed
loudly and ran a shaky hand though her hair. "My name is Angelica
    She gave him a
wry smile. "I'm the daughter-"
    His mood
immediately darkened and he released her arm as if he'd been burnt.
"I know who you are and I want you to leave." He began to close the
door on her, but she stepped forward and placed a hand on the door,
stopping him.
    "Wait. You
do?" She closed her eyes, took a deep breath in, released it and
opened them back up, her eyes pleading with him. "I really need to
talk to you. Please. Just a minute or two... Please."
    The thought of
his adoptive father made his blood boil. And he had just didn’t
have much patience or use for the child his adoptive father chose
over him – he wanted nothing to do with either of them. "I have
nothing to say to you. Leave now or I will call security and have
you escorted from the property."
    She refused to
budge. "Please. Just five minutes."
    "No." He
attempted to close the door once more, but she once again stopped
    "Dad's dead,"
she blurted, her eyes brimming with unshed tears.
fuck . He had no remorse for the man that abandoned him and his
adoptive mother roughly twenty years ago, or the members of his new
family. Logan was a man who held grudges and didn't apologize for
it. But at the same time his weakness was seeing a woman - any woman - cry.
    His mood
softened. "What does that have to do with me? Richard Lawson was
nothing to me. I apologize for your loss. But to be frank, why
should I care?"
    "Money. He
left you money."
    He huffed,
slightly insulted. He opened the door wide to his penthouse, which
lead to the main room, with its cathedral ceilings. The entire room
reeked of high-society and money. "I HAVE money. I own this
building as a matter of fact. You can have whatever is coming to me
with my blessing."
    Before he
could attempt to shut her out a third time, her mood suddenly
changed and she gave him a look of determination as she brushed
past him and entered his penthouse.
    What the
fuck? Is she for real? He watched dumbfounded as she strolled
into the main room, and walked over to the large picture window
which overlooked Central Park and stared out.
    "It's really
beautiful from up here."
    Relenting, and
getting the feeling that the only way he was going to get her to
leave his home was to hear her out, he closed the door, walked up
behind her and stood at her side.
    "Okay, if it
means you'll leave, then tell me what you need me to sign - or
    She gave him a
relieved smile that tugged at his resolve slightly. If signing
something meant that he'd rid himself of Richard Lawson's daughter
for good then he was all for it. He had his own small fortune,
built from his own hard work without taking a dime from Richard.
He'd refused to take money from Richard, not even for college, and
he wasn't about to take money from him now that he was dead.
    She motioned
towards the brown leather sofa. "May I?"
    She barges
into my house and now she is requesting permission to sit,
unbelievable? "By all mean, make yourself at home." If she
noticed the sarcasm in his tone, she made no show of it. He watched
as she walked over to the

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