The Inheritance: Anything He Craves
    "I'm so sorry
Angelica; my hands are tied on this."
Lawson sighed as she looked across the desk at her Uncle Clayton,
her grief stricken blue eyes meeting his sympathetic brown ones.
Uncle Clayton was the brother of her recently deceased father,
Richard Lawson. He was now the executer of her late father's
estate, which equalled a hefty sum of 2.3 billion dollars. Her
mother had died after a year long battle with cancer two years ago
and now she'd just lost her father in a fatal car crash. With both
her parents dead, twenty-two year old Angelica was left alone with
her Uncle Clayton being her only known living relative.
    "But who is
this... this... Logan Sinclair? And why in the name of God would he
want me to get to know the man, much less live with him for a
month!" It simply made no sense to her. No sense at all. And by the
look on her uncle's face she doubted she was going to like the
reasoning behind it.
steeped his fingers under her chin and shook his head slowly. "I
told Richard to tell you about Logan years ago. Begged him even.
But for whatever reason he wanted to keep this a secret. Logan is,
in a way, your brother... Well, of sorts. But not really..."
Clayton sighed. Opening the top drawer of his desk he pulled out a
bottle of aspirin, opened it up, shook a couple into his hand and
tossed them into his mouth chasing them down with some water.
    "What!" She
shook her head, her shoulder length blonde hair fanning out around
her. "No, dad wouldn't have kept that from me and mom."
    "Your mother knew, Angel." Clayton reached across the large oak desk and
covered her hand with his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Richard
was briefly married before he met and married your mother. He left
his first wife for your mother actually."
    "But, I-" Her
head was spinning. How could they have kept something this big from
her? She had always thought their little family was close. She
thought her parents respected and cared for her enough to tell her
everything. It just made no sense. "So Logan is his son?"
shrugged. "Yes and no. Richard's first wife couldn't conceive a
child so they adopted Logan when he was five - which makes him
twenty-eight now. But, Richard wanted a biological child; he
kept saying he couldn't establish a bond with Logan. Not the kind
of father- son bond he'd been wanting. So he met your mother, got a
quick divorce and went on with his life."
    "I just
can't..." Her father had always been such a great man, it seemed so
unlike him. How could he have abandoned them like that? It seemed
so cold. Completely unlike the Richard Lawson she called her
    "I'm sorry
Angelica, but it's true. I think this is his way of trying to make
up for what he felt was a selfish act. He didn't want you to be
without a family, aside from me, and I think he wanted to make it
up to Logan, in his own way."
    "Okay, so I am
entitled to nothing until I can convince Logan to leave his home,
and live in the manor with me for a month?"
    "I'm sorry
sweetheart, but you can't even move back into the manor until he's
agreed to move with you and all you have to live off of is the
money in your bank account."
    Terror rushed
through her. Her bank account was seriously depleted. She had
enough money to pay for her penthouse for exactly one month. She
usually just used credit cards, but being that they were all under
her fathers name, they were also now off limits. It seemed bizarre,
but then again, in the will - Logan was entitled to half of the
inheritance, so what person in their right mind would turn down
over a billion dollars when all they needed to do was move into a
multi-million dollar mansion for a month. Shit, she imagined he'd
be falling over himself to get moved in.
sighed loudly and shrugged. "Alright Uncle Clayton. Tell me where
to find him and I'll convince him to move into the manor."
sympathetic smile returned as Clayton straightened in his chair and
jotted down the

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