The Keys of Love

The Keys of Love by Barbara Cartland

Book: The Keys of Love by Barbara Cartland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Cartland
silver platter and was sealed with the Merebury crest.
    Was it some order from Lady Butterclere, flexing her muscles of authority as soon as she might?
    She broke off the seal and unfolded the paper.
    â€œ The Duke invites you to take tea with him in the library at five o’clock. ”
    Henrietta blinked in disbelief and read again.
    â€œ The Duke invites you to take tea ”
    He must have arrived before his luggage, then!
    â€œ The Duke invites you ”
    She clasped the note to her beating breast, almost giddy as the blood thrilled in her veins.
    The Duke ! She was going to meet the Duke at last !
    The chime of a distant clock broke in on her reverie and a cry of alarm escaped her lips.
    A quarter to the hour!
    She was going to be late.
    Her mind in a whirl, she ran into Nanny’s room to ask if Mrs. Poody had also been invited to tea as well, but there was no sign of the old lady.
    Racing back to her own room she began to struggle out of her travelling gown.
    She supposed the rest of the orchestra were invited too and hoped to catch Kitty before she left so that the two of them could go down together.
    She grabbed the deep blue dress she had bought in Boston, stepped into it and as she did so she caught sight of herself in the pier glass.
    Her cheeks were flushed and blonde curls strayed over her brow, but there was no time to powder her face or fix her hair.
    She would be late late !
    She thrust her arms into the sleeves and then froze.
    Who would hook it up for her? It was too late to ring for the maid.
    Then she thought of Kitty.
    She hastened to the room where Kitty was lodged.
    Kitty looked up in astonishment as Henrietta rushed in, barely knocking to announce herself.
    â€œWhat’s up, honey?”
    Kitty was lolling on a chair, still in a loose peignoir and painting her nails.
    â€œY-you won’t be ready!” she cried incredulously.
    â€œReady for what?”
    â€œWhy, tea with the Duke.”
    â€œHoney, what makes you think I’m taking tea with the Duke?”
    â€œWell, I-I received an invitation and I-I thought we all had.”
    â€œNot Kitty,” was the amused reply.
    Was she alone summoned then ?
    Greatly confused, she backed out of the room.
    At the door she then wheeled around and took to her heels.
    Her feet twinkled under her as she heard the clock chime, louder now and nearer the hour of five.
    She was flying down the great staircase when an all too familiar voice brought her to an instant halt.
    â€œStop at once, young lady. Just where do you think you are going?”
    Lady Butterclere stood rigid at the top of the stairs, gazing furiously down. Romany Foss lurked behind, her lips twitching with some secret amusement.
    â€œI-I’m on my way to the library for tea with the D- Duke,” stammered Henrietta.
    Lady Butterclere descended the stairs in a vapour of wrath.
    â€œI have been given carte blanche by the Duke to exert my authority throughout this house,” she thundered, her eyes black as billiard cues. “And believe me, I will. I order you this instant to return to your room.”
    â€œB-but I can’t. It is the Duke himself who has summoned me,” stammered Henrietta. “L-look.”
    Lady Butterclere now snatched the note from her outstretched hand and examined it through her lorgnettes.
    â€œThere has been a mistake,” she said coldly. “This invitation was obviously intended for Romany.”
    â€œB-but it was delivered to my room.”
    â€œThere has been a mistake, I tell you,” she hissed, thrusting the invitation at Romany, who took it greedily.
    â€œIt’s obviously meant for me,” smirked Romany as she stuffed it into her bodice. “I mean, why on earth should the Duke want to take tea with a mere piano player, eh?”
    Henrietta lowered her eyes unhappily. “I-I don’t know,” she confessed.
    â€œGo on, Romany.” Lady Butterclere waved at her

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