The Lady and the Earl (Seabrook Family Saga)

The Lady and the Earl (Seabrook Family Saga) by Christine Donovan

Book: The Lady and the Earl (Seabrook Family Saga) by Christine Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine Donovan
    How interesting, Amelia thought.
    “Mr. Spencer seems like a nice gentleman,” Emma said as she looked
inquisitively at both Bella and Amelia. “I do believe Myles was jealous of all
the attention Spencer paid you.”
    Bella snorted in a most unladylike way. “Myles jealous? I don’t believe
that for a moment. While Mr. Spencer and I danced he waltzed with the Widow
Harrington, and they were flirting shamelessly with one another. I saw the
widow caress Myles. She rubbed her hand up and down Myles’s arm and batted her
lashes. It doesn’t help that I know widows can have affairs and not ruin their
reputation if it is done quietly. And from what I saw, she wants Myles.”
    “Oh, Bella,” Amelia said, trying to make her sister feel better, “Myles
flirts with everyone. It means nothing to him. It’s just the way he’s made.”
She reached around Emma and squeezed her sister’s hand. “He would never waste
his time on the widow––”
    “Oh, my,” Emma interrupted. “Here comes Lord Bridgeton and Mr. Spencer
on horseback.”
    “Ohh, doesn’t Mr. Spencer sit a horse handsomely?” Bella sighed.
    Amelia could not believe her ears. Could not believe her sister noticed
Mr. Spencer. Although, looking at the two cousins riding toward them, how could
one not notice them? They did resemble each other and they rode effortlessly,
as if man and horse were one. Then Amelia caught William’s eyes, and he tipped
his hat and grinned at her.
    Did the temperature just rise? She wondered as her heart
    Butterflies formed in her stomach as both gentleman
dismounted and approached them.
    “Your Grace. Ladies,” Mr. Spencer spoke first. “What a lovely day. And
it just got lovelier.” He tipped his hat, gave them a wide smile, and bowed. “I
do believe spring has arrived.”
    Amelia could not take her eyes off William. He was dressed in a dark
brown riding jacket, buff trousers, and brown riding boots. One hand held the
horse’s reins while the other gripped his hat. William’s shoulder-length, dark
brown hair was combed back off his face, and his blue eyes twinkled in the
sunlight. Why did heat pool low in her body making her crave…?
    No. No. No. I mustn’t think such things.
    “Duchess, Lady Amelia, Lady Isabella, how nice to see you again so
soon,” William’s smooth voice sang out, curling around her body, hugging her.
Why did his voice do that to her? Lord Bridgeton definitely posed a danger to
her senses. She would have to mind herself in his company.
    Her brothers might be worried about Lord Bridgeton making advances, but
Amelia worried she might throw herself into his arms without provocation.
Unlike the innocent debutantes being introduced into Society––including her
sister––Amelia knew what happened between a man and woman. How wonderful and
fulfilling the joining of two bodies could be. When she was near William, she
craved that fiercely.
    “Lady Amelia, do you not agree?” William’s voice drifted and curled
around her.
    Oh, dear. She swallowed and forced her attention back to the
conversation, knowing her face turned the shade of a strawberry. “I’m sorry,
Lord Bridgeton, my mind decided to woolgather.”
    “Indeed.” His mouth tugged into a half smile. “I asked if you ladies
would join us for a turn around the park. We can send our horses back with the
    “Why, Lord Bridgeton and Mr. Spencer,” Emma answered as neither Bella
nor Amelia seemed able to speak. “We would be delighted to accompany you for a
stroll around the park. The grounds are so lovely today, with the sun awakening
all the flowers.”
    Mr. Spencer spoke up. “Lady Isabella, Duchess. May I escort you both?”
    As the three of them began their stroll, with Mr. Spencer walking
between Bella and Emma, William cleared his throat and smiled at her. “Shall
    “Yes,” Amelia said as she slid her arm through his, reveling in the
feel of his hard muscles beneath her hand.

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