The Last Keeper

The Last Keeper by Michelle Birbeck

Book: The Last Keeper by Michelle Birbeck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Birbeck
It was clear that talking about certain aspects of Ray’s childhood made him uncomfortable, and the least I could do was distract his mother for a while. It wasn’t a surprise that he’d had some trouble when he was younger. Children weren’t known for their subtlety, especially when it came to such an obvious injury.  
    Fortunately, my plan to give Liz a tour of the house worked wonders. She had a good eye for art and fell in love with some of the paintings that lined the walls. The large landscape at the head of the stairs caught her eye, and though I didn’t remember the artist, I told her the piece was almost a century old. Jayne decided to join us, and she took great delight in telling her some of the more acceptable stories behind some of the pieces of work.  
    “It’s the home of the fairies,” she said, pointing out the tiny figures hiding in the trees. “They come out at night and make sure the house is safe from monsters.”
    Monsters being vampires. Fairies being the work that I did.  
    Jayne followed us around the house but ducked back into the kitchen when we came back into the study. She’d seen all the books before, and the ones that interested her most wouldn’t be on show for Liz.  
    “You have such a wonderful collection,” Liz said as I showed her around my study. “Have you read all of these?”
    “Many times over in most cases. Books are one of my many passions.”
    “I can see why Ray has fallen so quickly for you. I see it in the way you look at one another.” She trailed a hand across the spines of the old books. “You are just as I was with his father.”
    “The joys of young love.”
    “You do love him, then?” She paused by my desk.
    “Oh yes. How could I not?” How, indeed.  

    By the time we returned to the sitting room, Sam was already bringing the car round. It was getting late, and it was time for Liz and Ray to head home.  
    “Will you join me for breakfast tomorrow, Ray?”  
    “I would love to. What time?”
    “How does eight sound?”
    “Sam will take you home.”
    “There’s no need to go to all that trouble, Serenity. It’s not so far to walk,” Liz said with a wave of her hand.
    “We insist. It’s getting late, and I’m sure Serenity would rather know you’re home safe,” Helen insisted.
    She chuckled. “Well, now, we can hardly refuse if you insist, can we?”  
    Helen collected their coats, and though I was reluctant to see them go, I needed to talk to Helen before heading out for the evening.  
    “Thank you,” Ray whispered, startling me.
    “Whatever for?”
    “Saying you’ll be mine.”
    I stared at him for a moment in utter shock. “You’re being ridiculous. I should be the one thanking you.”
    “And yet, here I am, offering you my thanks, regardless.” He brought his hand up to cup my cheek.
    “I’ll see you in the morning, if not before.”
    He raised an eyebrow in question.  
    “Go, I’ll explain tomorrow.” I smiled.  
    Ray and Liz said their goodbyes and climbed into the car. Listening hard, I heard their hushed voices.
    “She is a fine young woman, Son.”  
    “She’s one of a kind.” There was a smile in his voice as he spoke.
    “You do plan on proposing?”  
    “In time, yes. I’d like to get to know her better first.”  
    “Tell me when you decide. I have something for you.”
    I stopped listening then, but not before I heard the faint whisper of Ray’s voice. “Goodnight, Serenity.”
    I turned back to the house with the biggest smile on my face. Helen and Jayne were waiting for me, smiling brightly, also, and eager for more news of my day.
    “Time for bed, Jayne,” Helen told her, never looking away.
    “Can I stay up a little longer?” she pleaded.
    “She may as well. It’s not like she’ll sleep when she’s so excited.”  
    “One more hour,” Helen said, finally glancing at Jayne.  
    She raced off into the sitting room, picked her favourite chair and curled up, ready

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