The Last Single Girl
new friends." He smiled at Becca and Angie. "And to the best New Year's Eve party I've been to in a long time."
    Just as we clinked glasses, the big countdown started. I'd planned to be in the ladies room… hiding. How was I going to get through this, that New Year's Eve kiss thing? John pulled me to my feet as everyone else jumped up, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me to him, the warmth of his hand sweeping above the top of my dress, scattering goosebumps across my skin.
    "Three… Two… One… Happy New Year!"
    Balloons fell from the sky.
    Confetti flew threw the air.
    People shouted all around us.
    I stared up into those soft brown eyes and wanted nothing more than to go up on my tip toes and kiss him. Kiss him for all I was worth and hope it was enough. John's head dipped closer, his eyes slipping shut, as he brushed a kiss across my cheek.
    "Happy New Year, Sarah."

    DATING TRUTH #10: Not every Happily Ever After looks the same.
    I SUCKED IN A deep breath and reapplied my Berry Dew lip gloss—which was obviously a total waste tonight. I was going to need to come up with a Survive Being In Love With John plan. It wasn't going to be easy. He'd become one of my best friends and favorite people. And it looked like that was all he was ever going to be.
    eLove would have to find me Mr. Right after all. Just not until the gooshy place my heart used to be was all patched up.
    Back at the table, people gathered their coats and bags, talking about the night and laughing at some of the guesses people had come up with.
    "We need to do this again." Becca smiled at everyone, sweet dear. "John, you'll have to close up shop one night to come out and play again. Or maybe we could all just come to you."
    Oh, dear stars. This was going to get ugly—or sad and depressing. Or both. I was already trying to figure out how I was going to live through the Wine & Cheese thing—let alone the rest of tonight.
    "Name the date, and I'm there." John leaned down and gave tiny, little Becca a kiss on the check.
    Look at him just handing those cheek-kisses out like they were candy.
    John held out my wrap. As I shrugged into it, he ran his hand down my arm and clasped my hand. I smiled up at him, trying not to be all girly and start crying. This was John . Sweet, smart, funny, thoughtful, rescues-me-from-my-own-absurdity, John.
    Tears would just be a red flag to his soft soul.
    "Ready to go?"
    "Um, yes?" I wasn't sure where we were going. Was he going to fake going home with me? That was definitely above and beyond the call of duty. Of course, the whole darn night was the definition of above and beyond.
    John waved to the group and pulled me along, my hand still wrapped in his.
    "The door guy said they have a deal with a cab company. We should be able to get one pretty quickly."
    John glanced down at me. The tone of my voice must have put not so in front of the great. I offered him up a smile, trying to move things along.
    Luckily there was a cab left when we got to the portico. John opened the door and I slid in, only half-surprised when he joined me as I gave the driver my address. The driver asked lots of questions about our night and our outfits and whodunit. He seemed thrilled to hear we'd won, like we'd become local celebrities.
    I listened with half an ear, trying to mmh— in the right places. When we pulled up in front of my condo, John paid the man and slid out behind me, not asking him to wait.
    I have never felt so awkward in my life. So divided. I didn't want him to leave. I wanted to just keep being with him, enjoying that smile and humor. But what I really, really needed was to just be alone for a little while.
    "Did you want to come up?"
    "No." He grasped my hand again, sliding his fingers between mine and giving them a squeeze. "I was just going to walk you to your door and head home."
    "Oh. Okay." Wow, well said, Sarah.
    At the front door, John pulled my hand, forcing me to turn me to face him.

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