The Last Wizard: Case Files

The Last Wizard: Case Files by Allen Brown

Book: The Last Wizard: Case Files by Allen Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allen Brown
inland from the bay. Standing silent and unwavering under the clear night sky, I looked upon her with curiosity and wonder. Wondering if she'll take a moment, a moment to notice. Her hair reflected a ghostly grey, her eyes, a mystic brown. Her soft skin glowed on the nights touch. Stopping in her path, she stood, feeling it behind her. Like an itch she couldn't shake, she turned and faced what stared at her. Above, was a bright smile wrapping her in a blanket of warmth. Returning the smile, she continued her trek forward, bathing in the warmth under the moonlight.

Chapter Four
       The hot sun crept onto my face through a crack in the rotting roof; it pierced my eye lids and blinded my dream. Raising from the sack of hay I slept on like an old pharaoh from his tomb, only to see he wasn't in the land of vast riches he was promised. My mind was in a state of flux, the day should just be starting, but it feels like days had passed, my present wasn't recognizable. A barrage of questions filled my thoughts flooding what sense I had out, I dropped onto the floor failing in my attempt to walk. Straws of hay imprinted on my face deep enough for a river to flow freely.
       I had definitely overslept.
       A piece of parchment hung on a post pegged with a dagger, curious, it read:
       "Jinn! I got us a job digging some trenches, meet me south by the plantation at noon!" - Fatima
       Yup, I'm late.
       Limping over to the barrel of water sitting by the doorway, I dunked my head in, the cold wrapped my skull in a coat of ice that felt refreshing. Pulling out, the water whipped to different ends of the room as my growl scared the birds sitting atop the roof. The world looked real again, I had a sense of being, I knew exactly where I was. Tossing my shirt over my shoulders, I hit the ground running towards the exit, and into the bright day leaving the darkness behind me. The blatant light was so blinding my eyes retreated behind my head, though, I continued to wobble down the shaking staircase like the mess I was. Jumping the railing, I headed south to the plantation where Fatima will probably put my soul to rest.
       The south was mostly complied of large stone plants, and the main docks where the cargo ships pull into port. Outside of the city, along the water ways, the farms were placed to feed the town above it. Sprinting along a thin dirt road curving between the large fields, all I could see for miles were the grassy lands flooded by water. The wind brushed along the fields like waves rippling in a sea. The air was fresh, it made breathing a lot easier, compared to the wild flavors of the city. Fatima stood in the distance waiting along the road, her tiny arms rested on her hips, while the shovels lay on the ground beside her.
       She's pissed; she has to be... who wouldn't be. God help me.
       "What the fucking fuck." She yelled out, her voice was deeper than normal. Almost demonic, it made me skip a step and almost tripping over.
       I knew it.
       “I am soooo sorry!" I said grabbing the shovels off the floor and walking past her. There was no way I could face her right now, she would kill me. This is the first job we've had in days.
       "Where were you last night?" She said right behind me, every time she took an extra step to get in front of me, I made two.
    "Uhmm, I got lost?" I said to her, but it came out more like a question. That was stupid. How could I get lost? She knows I know this place like the back of my hand.
She finally stopped me, with a swift kick in my shin toppling me over onto the floor.
       "Stop lying!" She yelled looking down at me on the floor.
       I held onto my shin with my hand from the blunt pain, "what the hell! You psychopath!" I yelled. I could see that she was upset, for what... I don't know. "I was just out, I needed a break, this fucking place has been living off shit for five years!" I told her hopping up to my feet. "I'm tired Fatima." I

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