The Leopard's Prey

The Leopard's Prey by Suzanne Arruda

Book: The Leopard's Prey by Suzanne Arruda Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Arruda
Tags: Historical, Mystery
at a time, across a clean page in a notebook. “And now with your left hand,” he said. Jade complied. “If you would please sign your name and the date in the corner, then you are excused.”
    Jade signed the notebook and wiped her fingers on a proffered towel. Why, she wondered, hadn’t Avery replied immediately to Finch’s inquiry? Normally she would suspect he and Beverly had gone on holiday and weren’t reachable, but Beverly was over seven months pregnant; they weren’t going anywhere. Had something happened? Jade stepped out of the office. Her gaze immediately sought out and found Sam’s. The intensity of his expression told her that they were in more trouble than she cared to admit. What did Finch get him to reveal? Is he worried that he incriminated me or himself? She knew they hadn’t committed any crime, but that might not matter if Finch believed they did.
    Madeline, on the other hand, seemed much more cheerful than when Jade had entered Finch’s office. She stood and hurried to Jade, waving the newspaper in front of her.
    “Jade, wonderful news. Neville and I are going to adopt a little baby boy.”

    Ask anyone living in Kenya Colony to name the tribe that exemplifies Africa
to them, and most will say the Maasai. This is a tribe of warriors, strong in
their belief that Engai, God, made them. And then, almost as an afterthought,
He made everyone else.
    —The Traveler

    IT TOOK A minute for Jade’s brain to switch from being a murder suspect to Madeline’s revelation. “What? Adopt a baby boy?” She looked at Neville, who stood by his wife, a wide smile on his weather-beaten face. “How can you be so certain?”
    Madeline held up the newspaper. Jade recognized it as a copy of the Leader of British East Africa by its unmistakable header showing herds of zebra. Maddy turned the page and pointed to a particular notice in the classifieds. “Here,” she said. “Read this.”
    Jade read aloud. “Would someone please adopt a four-month-old baby boy of Dutch origin? Reply voucher 975, the Leader .”
    “And that’s it?” asked Sam. “You just claim the child and it’s yours?” His tone was skeptical.
    “Why not?” asked Maddy. She seemed genuinely confused by Sam’s question.
    Jade, more familiar with life under rustic conditions back home in New Mexico, hastened to explain to Sam. “It might be different in your Indiana, Sam, but this is still the frontier to some extent. The governing bodies have little time or resources to devote to orphans. Anyone willing to take one is welcome to the child.”
    Sam scratched his head. “Back home the orphanages all tend to be run by some religious order, like as not. And if you don’t have any here—”
    Madeline hastened to reassure Sam that the citizens of Nairobi did care about children. “Lady Northey established a splendid home for the children left without care because of the war, but now it is primarily a place for settlers to board their children while they attend school. But this little boy in the paper needs someone. It’s heaven-sent, don’t you see?”
    Jade looked at Maddy’s beaming face and smiled. “That’s wonderful, Maddy, Neville. You’ll be marvelous parents.” Jade handed the paper to Neville. “Makes one wonder what happened.”
    “I suspect his parents both succumbed to some illness,” said Neville. “We’re heading to the Leader office right now to answer the ad.”
    “If the authorities want any references, be sure to have them apply to the Dunburys. That should secure you,” suggested Sam.
    “Good idea,” said Jade, hoping that Beverly would answer this query at least. “You also have a letter from Beverly with you to prove your friendship.” Only don’t tell them you know us.
    Maddy’s smile grew, and her eyes sparkled. “Only just think, Neville, how neatly everything has come together. If we hadn’t had to come in this very morning, we might never have seen this advertisement in time, and

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