The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 23rd Annual Collection

The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 23rd Annual Collection by Gardner Dozois

Book: The Mammoth Book of Best New Science Fiction: 23rd Annual Collection by Gardner Dozois Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gardner Dozois
Awards, including the World Fantasy Life Achievement Award, founder of Donald M. Grant Publisher, Inc; BARBARA BOVA , literary agent, wife of SF writer Ben Bova; DON CONGDON , 91, agent and anthologist, longtime agent for writers such as Ray Bradbury and Henry Kuttner; ROBERT LOUIT , 64, French SF editor, critic, and translator; DAVE ARNESON , 61, co-creator of the fantasy role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons; WALTER CRONKITE , 92, perhaps the best-known television broadcaster and anchor man of the twentieth century, who had no direct genre connection, but was known to every genre fan, if for nothing else, for his coverage of the Moon landing in 1969; ANDY HALLETT , 33, actor, best known to genre audiences for his role as the singing green demon Lorne on the television vampire show Angel; DAVID CARRADINE , 72, actor, best known to genre audiences for his role as wandering monk and martial arts expert Cain in the sixties’ TV show, Kung Fu , also known for the title role in the Kill Bill movies and as the ghoulishly jovial host of Wild West Tech; MICHAEL JACKSON , 50, worldwide celebrity and performer, best known to genre audiences for his role in The Wiz , the seventies’ remake of The Wizard of Oz, and for the song “Thriller,” which referenced horror movie clichés and featured a voiceover cameo by Vincent Price; FARRAH FAWCETT , 62, actor, best known to genre audience for roles in Logan’s Run and Saturn 3 , and as one of tele vi sion’s original Charlie’s Angels; NATASHA RICHARDSON , 46, actor, best known to genre audiences as the star of the movie version of The Handmaid’s Tale; MARY TRAVERS , 72, member of the famous folk-music trio Peter, Paul, and Mary, whose closest approach to genre was probably their fantasy song about “Puff, the Magic Dragon”; HENRY GIBSON , 73, movie and television actor; PERNELL ROBERTS , 81, television actor, best known for his roles in Bonanza and Trapper John, M.D. , but who had genre-related roles in The Wild Wild West, Night Gallery , and The Six Million Dollar Man; RON SILVER , 62, actor, best known to genre audiences for his role in Timecop; MICKEY CARROLL , 89, whose role as a Munchkin in the Judy Garland version of The Wizard of Oz generated an entire subsequent career for him; KARL MALDEN , 97, a film actor for whom it’s hard to think of a really prominent genre connection (although he did do a few low-budget disaster movies like Beyond the Poseidon Adventure and Meteor) , but whose name and face will be familiar to most readers, and whose most famous movies included On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire; GALE STORM , 87, television actress with even less of a genre connection than Karl Malden, but who will be familiar to those of us old enough to have watched TV in the fifties from shows such as My Little Margie and The Gale Storm Show; ELEANOR FRAZETTA , 74, wife of fantasy artist Frank Frazetta; DAVID GAIMAN , 75, father of SF writer Neil Gaiman; MARIAN BAILEY , 84, mother of SF writer Robin Bailey; JOHN IAN REYNOLDS , 66, father of SF writer Alastair Reynolds; and EMILY KATE BETHKE , 28, daughter of SF writer Bruce Bethke.


Robert Charles Wilson

    Robert Charles Wilson made his first sale in 1974, to Analog, but little more was heard from him until the late 1980s, when he began to publish a string of ingenious and well-crafted novels and stories that have since established him among the top ranks of the writers who came to prominence in the last two de cades of the twentieth century. His first novel, A Hidden Place , appeared in 1986. He won the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for his novel The Chronoliths , the Philip K. Dick Award for his novel Mysterium , and the Aurora Award for his story “The Perseids.” In 2006, he won the Hugo Award for his acclaimed novel Spin. His other books include the novels Memory Wire, Gypsies, The Divide, The Harvest, A Bridge of Years, Darwinia, Blind Lake, Bios , and Axis , and a collection of his

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