The Marriage Clause
document trumps her inane claim.”
    “But that means you guys can’t play this slow anymore, get married already and before Isabella is born.” Gran gave a little clap.
    “We were planning on it, Gran. We were just making you suffer,” India said.
    “That’s not nice dear.” Gran shook a finger at her.
    India walked over and took Mikael’s hand. “You two may have inadvertently saved Mikael’s career so I’m not even going to chastise you.”
    “Honey you’re rocking back and forth, is your back aching again?” Mikael asked.
    “It hurts sitting and hurts standing. I can’t get comfortable,” India admitted.
    “How about a hot bath, then I’ll rub your back,” Mikael offered.
    “That sounds good.” India smiled.
    “And that is our cue to leave.” Brownie stood. “Come on Gran, let’s go do some wedding planning. Mikael, tell us what day we need to be in court and we’ll be there to testify.”
    Mikael hugged both older women. “You two are the most amazing women in the world.”
    “Bye-bye ladies,” India waved.
    Gran came over and rubbed her belly. “Sleep well my sweet baby, India you too. Don’t stress about this and we’ll come out on top.”
    India nodded. “I know. Gran and Brownie, you kick ass.”
    She gave a little curtsey. “I know I do.”
    Both she and Mikael laughed as the ladies descended the stairs to Gran’s part of the brownstone. The door at the base of the stairs would lock behind them so there was no need to trek down to make sure the door was secure. Mikael walked India over to the sofa and made her sit.
    “I’m sorry for this, Babe. You know I didn’t expect her to be this vicious,” he said.
    India nodded and teased, “There was something addictive about you she couldn’t get enough of, and that made her crazy.”
    “Yeah, it’s called my wallet and Brownie’s status in the New York social life.” Mikael leaned his head back on the chair and closed his eyes.  “I hope this turns out for the best. I don’t want our baby being born to a deadbeat father.”
    “Mikael Nolan, don’t you ever say that about yourself,” India said in a voice that bode no argument. “You are a great man and you will be an excellent father. If Celeste wins it doesn’t make it any less. She’ll be seen as a viper that used the courts to steal money from a family. She’d be shooting herself in the foot in that case.”
    He looked over at her and smiled. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you, remember?”
    “We take care of each other,” India pointed out and leaned her head on his shoulder.  “I’ve got your back and you’ve got my heart.”
    “Are you ready to be Mrs. Nolan then?” Mikael asked in a gentle voice.
    She leaned her head up to look at him. “I’m ready but I want to wait until after Isabella is born so she can see her mommy and daddy get married. She’ll be our little flower girl.”
    He bent his head to kiss her. “I like that idea. Come on, let’s get you soaking in a nice tub and then I’ll rub your back.”
    “Then we sleep and we won’t let Celeste disturb us more than she needs to. We won’t let her win,” India said firmly. “Our love is strong, and that’s going to see us through.”
    Mikael stood and began to lift her into his arms.
    “Hey, I’m too heavy for you to being doing that,” she protested.
    “You barely gained twenty pounds, even with the baby you’re still just right in my arms,” he said and lifted her easily. “I’m taking the soon-to-be Mrs. Nolan upstairs.”
    She didn’t complain, in fact she loved being held tight by him. True to his word, after her soak in the tub he rubbed her back until the pain was dulled and she was able to find a comfortable position to sleep. Even as she drifted off he rubbed her shoulders and back and whispered how much he loved her and their baby girl in her ear. He was hers, and she hated Celeste for trying to bring chaos into their world. They would win and move on, the

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