The Object of His Obsession (The Alexanders Book 4)
Padma asked, fearing that Tyson was already there.
    Instead of answering her
right away, Prasad said, “Beatrice, hang up and dial 9-1-1. We’ll
be there in a few minutes.”
    “Okay, Prasad.”
    “What’s going on, Prasad?
Tyson’s already there?” Padma asked, thinking the worst had
happened, that Tyson had shot Dilvan and now Beatrice was calling
    “Spit it out, Prasad,”
Heshan told him.
    “Beatrice thinks Dilvan may
have overdosed on some pills.”
    “No, not my baby,” Padma
cried, swerving onto the shoulder of the road and jerking the wheel
back onto the pavement.
    “Whoa! Mom, calm down and
keep your eyes on the road, okay, unless you want to pull over and
let me drive,” Heshan said.
    “We’re almost there now,
Heshan,” Prasad said. “Mom, stay calm, okay. I’m sure everything is
going to be alright.”
    After a few minutes, she
finally pulled up in Dilvan’s driveway, threw the car in park and
took off running into the house as fast as she could, yelling for
    “Up here,
    Padma ran up the stairs,
out of breath, nearly about to faint. Heshan was behind her. Then
came Lalita and Prasad.
    “Dilvan, baby,” Padma cried
when she rounded the door and ran into his office. She looked him
over, placed her index and middle finger on his wrists and said,
“He has a pulse. Tell the operator he has a pulse,
    Beatrice relayed the
information to the 9-1-1 operator.
    Padma noticed a letter
next to him on the desk that he had written and she knew right away
what it was – a suicide note. Dilvan had tried to kill
    “Why, Dilvan?” Padma cried.
“Why, baby?”
    Heshan threw his arms
around her to console her.
    A minute later, paramedics
were in the house. They checked Dilvan out, secured him on a
stretcher and headed down the stairs.
    Through all the chaos,
Padma, Heshan, Lalita and Prasad had forgotten that Tyson was
supposed to be heading there – to Dilvan’s house.
    He never

Chapter 15
    Tyson remained parked
beside the road, about five miles from his home. He was on the way
to Dilvan’s when he nearly had a breakdown at the realization that
there was a possibility the baby Gabrielle was carrying wasn’t his
son. He was so consumed with rage, he could hardly focus to drive.
He could barely breathe. Blinded by wrath and anger, he couldn’t
see. All he knew was, Gabrielle had hurt him to the core. He
couldn’t fully blame Dilvan for the affair when she was just as
    When his phone rang, he
glanced at the display and saw it was Heshan calling. He blew an
agitated breath. Heshan, along with Padma and Lalita had let him
down. It seemed as if the whole family turned on him, keeping a
secret that was so detrimental.
    “What?” he decided to
    “Man, Tyson, you need to
calm down and think rationally, man.”
    “Think rationally? Were you
thinking rationally when you decided to make a fool out of me,
letting me believe that I had a son on the way when—”
    “You do have a son on the way.”
    Tyson let out an
uncomfortable chuckle.
    “Listen...I need you to
meet me at the hospital,” Heshan said.
    “And why do I need to meet
you at the hospital?”
    “Dilvan tried to commit
suicide and had to be rushed there.”
    “Well good for him,” Tyson
said, callously. “He’s finally managed to do something productive
with his life.”
    “Come on, Tyson, man.
That’s my brother you’re talking about.”
    “I don’t care who he is. He
slept with my wife and you think I’m going to have sympathy for
    “I was on my way to his
house with my gun, Heshan. Your brother has been nothing but a
nuisance to me, to everyone and he...he slept with my wife and you
actually think I feel sorry for him? How can I?”
    “I’m glad something told me
to stop...wasn’t worth losing my freedom over his nonsense. They
say what goes around, comes around. Guess it’s

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