The Path of a Christian Witch
Lazarus, are also one and the same. So much speculation exists on the actual identity of this important woman. Undoubtedly, she was a fervent follower of Christ and had a special relationship with him. And now, let the fun begin . . .
    Legends abound on Mary Magdalene. One school of thought is that she was in fact married to Jesus, that she was his wife as well as his disciple. [8] This is supported by accounts in the Gnostic Gospels that he often kissed her on the mouth, which could mean the actual act of kissing or, in the Gnostic tradition, a passage of wisdom. The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, [9] while being severely damaged, shows that Jesus did teach her things that were very different from the other apostles. It also shows a very clear rivalry between Peter and her due to her special status. Other authors support the marriage theory because, according to Jewish law, a man could not become a teacher until he was married. It would have been unlikely that the Temple elders would have let Jesus preach in the Temple had he not been married. However, the actual marriage is not mentioned in any Gospel or text that we know of.
    The great legend of Mary Magdalene and Jesus does not stop there, however. It is told that Mary Magdalene was forced to flee the Holy Land. She landed on the shores of France in a boat without oars, and she established herself there. She was accompanied by a young girl of thirteen named Sarah. It is believed that Sarah was the daughter of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, the Holy Grail incarnate. The bloodline of Jesus. This bloodline was eventually merged into the line of the Merovingian kings of France, who were famed for their red hair and their uncanny abilities. A secret order was formed to protect this bloodline and to preserve knowledge from unscrupulous factions. Add into this intrigue the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar, the Crusades, lines of kings, Joan of Arc, the Holy Inquisition, the Order of Saint-Sulpice, Leonardo da Vinci, and Isaac Newton, and you get the biggest conspiracy theory ever told. It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin.
    Mary Magdalene is central to my devotion. Whatever I choose to believe about her relationship to Jesus, it is clear to me that she held a special place. All the efforts to bury her and distort her story only reinforce the fact that she has a lot to teach us. As an apostle, she has no match. She is strong and devoted. As with Jesus’ mother, she does not flinch in front of pain and suffering. She walks the path to the very end. She is also fully female. If anything, the merging with the adulteress only reinforces the sexual dimension of her being, a dimension that has been completely washed out of the Scriptures. The depiction of her having long, flowing red hair brings us back to a place where one can be holy and powerful at the same time. She is not the meek, obedient servant. She stands tall without excusing herself. She also displays unwavering faith, the kind of faith that could raise the dead.
    The Gospel of Mary Magdalene lets us see that Jesus taught Mary very different things from the other apostles. These teachings seem more mystical in nature. Unfortunately, the section in which Mary actually relates these teachings has been destroyed, and we may never know what Jesus told her in private. Yet we can learn a lot just by looking at all this information, the official writings and the legends combined.
    If one does believe that Mary Magdalene is indeed the sister of Martha and Lazarus, then I recommend an old document, published by Cistercian Publications, which is an absolute gem. [10] It tells of the story of Mary and her sister Martha, who establish themselves in France (coincidence?). Whereas Martha busies herself with healing the sick and feeding the hungry, Mary retires to a mountain cave. There she lives in ecstatic contemplation, feeding herself from the hands of angels and sitting in daily communion with our Lord.
    We see here the two paths of

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