The Playboy of the Western World and Other Plays

The Playboy of the Western World and Other Plays by J. M. Synge

Book: The Playboy of the Western World and Other Plays by J. M. Synge Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. M. Synge
surely, for I never seen the like of them for whity mud, and red mud, and turf on them, and the fine sands of the sea. That man’s been walking, I’m telling you. (She goes down right, putting on one of his boots.)
    SUSAN (going to window). Maybe he’s stolen off to Belmullet with the boots of Michael James, and you’d have a right so to follow after him, Sara Tansey, and you the one yoked the ass cart and drove ten miles to set your eyes on the man bit the yellow lady’s nostril on the northern shore. (She looks out.)
    SARA (running to window with one boot on). Don’t be talking, and we fooled to-day. (Putting on other boot) There’s a pair do fit me well, and I’ll be keeping them for walking to the priest, when you’d be ashamed this place, going up winter and summer with nothing worth while to confess at all.
    HONOR (who has been listening at the door). Whisht! there’s someone inside the room. (She pushes door a chink open.) It’s a man.
    (SARA kicks off boots and puts them where they were. They all stand in a line looking through chink.)
    SARA. I’ll call him. Mister! Mister! (He puts in his head.) Is Pegeen within?
    CHRISTY (coming in as meek as a mouse, with the looking glass held behind his back). She’s above on the cnuceen, seeking the nanny goats, the way she’d have a sup of goat’s milk for to colour my tea.
    SARA. And asking your pardon, is it you’s the man killed his father?
    CHRISTY (sidling toward the nail where the glass was hanging). I am, God help me!
    SARA (taking eggs she has brought). Then my thousand welcomes to you, and I’ve run up with a brace of duck’s eggs for your food to-day. Pegeen’s ducks is no use, but these are the real rich sort. Hold out your hand and you’ll see it’s no lie I’m telling you.
    CHRISTY (coming forward shyly, and holding out his left hand). They’re a great and weighty size.
    SUSAN. And I run up with a pat of butter, for it’d be a poor thing to have you eating your spuds dry, and you after running a great way since you did destroy your da.
    CHRISTY. Thank you kindly.
    HONOR. And I brought you a little cut of cake, for you should have a thin stomach on you, and you that length walking the world.
    NELLY. And I brought you a little laying pullet—boiled and all she is—was crushed at the fall of night by the curate’s car. Feel the fat of that breast, mister.
    CHRISTY. It’s bursting, surely. (He feels it with the back of his hand, in which he holds the presents.)
    SARA. Will you pinch it? Is your right hand too sacred for to use at all? (She slips round behind him.) It’s a glass he has. Well, I never seen to this day a man with a looking-glass held to his back. Them that kills their fathers is a vain lot surely.
    (Girls giggle.)
    CHRISTY (smiling innocently and piling presents on glass). I’m very thankful to you all to-day ...
    WIDOW QUIN (coming in quickly, at door). Sara Tansey, Susan Brady, Honor Blake! What in glory has you here at this hour of day?
    GIRLS (giggling). That’s the man killed his father.
    WIDOW QUIN (coming to them). I know well it’s the man; and I’m after putting him down in the sports below for racing, leaping, pitching, and the Lord knows what.
    SARA (exuberantly). That’s right, Widow Quin. I’ll bet my dowry that he’ll lick the world.
    WIDOW QUIN. If you will, you’d have a right to have him fresh and nourished in place of nursing a feast. (Taking presents) Are you fasting or fed, young fellow?
    CHRISTY. Fasting, if you please.
    WIDOW QUIN (loudly). Well, you’re the lot. Stir up now and give him his breakfast. (To CHRISTY) Come here to me (she puts him on bench beside her while the girls make tea and get his breakfast) and let you tell us your story before Pegeen will come, in place of grinning your ears off like the moon of May.
    CHRISTY (beginning to be pleased). It’s a long story;

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