The Reluctant Bride (Montana Born Brides)

The Reluctant Bride (Montana Born Brides) by Katherine Garbera

Book: The Reluctant Bride (Montana Born Brides) by Katherine Garbera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Garbera
that, not yet.
    Nothing had changed. They’d both glimpsed a little of each other, and letting her go right now seemed wrong. He reached for her wrist and tugged at it she sat down next to him, and he pulled her into his arms. “Just let me cuddle you for a second.”
    “ I thought girls were supposed to be the ones who liked to cuddle?”
    “ Maybe. I can’t speak for every guy out there. I just know that while I have you in my arms I’d like to hold you.”
    She settled closer to him and he noticed her knit cap had fallen off and her curls were springy under his chin. He loved that crazy, wild hair of hers. Wished he’d taken the time to really touch it. This was too quick. He still wanted more and he wasn’t sure if she’d stay.
    Had this made things better between them, or was she going to try to run away again?
    He tightened his arms around her and she squeezed back. “I’ve got to be back in town for ten.”
    He glanced at his watch. That didn’t give them much time to get back. “Let’s go.”
    “ I’m sorry. It’s just that I have two brides coming in this morning and I need to be there.” She stood up and walked to the end of the truck bed and hopped down. He followed her.
    She was edging her way away from him again. Creating a distance. He didn’t know why. He only knew he was going to let her see that she wasn’t alone in wanting space. It went against the grain to retreat but, in this case with Risa, it seemed this was what he needed to do.
    “ It’s okay. I’ve got work to do as well.”
    She folded up the blanket and draped it over her arm, before giving him a curious look. “I thought you were on leave. What work?”
    “ I told you I’m a security consultant, didn’t I?” he asked. He’d been doing some work for a company in United Arab Emirates.
    “ I don’t know what that means.”
    “ I am analyzing some plans and recommending the kind of passive and active security that’s needed. We talked about lunch later today, but I might be busy. What do you say to a rain check?”
    She watched him with those big brown eyes of hers and he realized he still had no idea what she was thinking. He’d fooled himself once that he’d had a clue, but he wasn’t about to do that again. He was going to have to treat Risa and their engagement like he was in enemy territory until he had some indication that she wasn’t going to run again.
    “ Sure. That sounds good to me. Just give me a call when you want to reschedule…are we still engaged?” she asked.
    “ You’re still wearing my ring,” he said, remembering the moment when he’d given her the marquis-cut diamond and that surge of happiness, joy, love and lust he’d felt when she’d said yes. Now he was unsure.
    “ Yes, I am. I don’t want this distance between us,” she said. “But I’m glad that you are giving me some time.”
    “ Of course. I don’t want to force you to marry me. I want you to want me and miss me and come to me and say that you need me.”
    “ Wow. That’s a heavy order,” she said.
    “ Exactly, so we’ll take our time.”
    She didn ’t say anything else as they packed up their breakfast and he helped her back on her horse. “I’m not sure why I thought pretending I could ride was a good idea.”
    “ You aren’t pretending anymore,” he said, as he mounted his horse and led the way back to his home. “You are riding. You’re not an expert but you are doing it.”
    “ I am, aren’t I?”
    The sun warmed the air and after they stabled the horses and were in his truck heading back to Marietta, he realized that Risa was staring at him. When he slowed the truck and looked over her, she glanced away.
    “ What?”
    “ I just…I wish…I’m sorry, Monty. I wish I’d stayed in Vegas and waited for you. I think we could have figured things out together.”
    He wished that as well. But he suspected that would have been a false happiness, because the panic she’d spoken of this morning still

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