The Renegade's Woman

The Renegade's Woman by Nikita Black Page B

Book: The Renegade's Woman by Nikita Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikita Black
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Indians
gathering. "Is there such a man here among you who would do this for us now?"
    The crowd erupted in surprised speculation, until Dan Monroe, a Baptist minister en route to the gold fields of Alaska rose from a blanket and stepped forward. "I will do it, gladly. "
    A hush descended on the onlookers as the unusual couple took each other's hands and recited their nuptial vows in front of the preacher and the odd assembly.
    Sally's eyes filled with tears. "Oh, this is so romantic!" Even Alyssa agreed, wiping moisture from her lashes.
    Sally stole a glance at Standing Bear, who still stood his lookout post. He was watching his aunt and uncle, a tender expression on his face. He caught her staring, and she nearly missed what happened next.
    Standing in front of the gathering, White Lily was saying, "Some of you might think it strange that I would give up my 'civilized' life to stay with my Arapaho captor. To marry him, and bear his children. But I love my husband, and he loves me. I have been treated well and am accepted among his people as an equal. These are a good, honest people whose only wish is to live and hunt in peace. I have a good life, and I don't regret a minute of it. "
    Her eyes wandered over the crowded blankets and stalled for a moment on Sally. "But I'll admit, sometimes I long for the sound of my own language. " She laughed softly, then became serious. "We live in troubled times, with misunderstanding and hostility so common between Indians and whites. Both sides wish to end the bloodshed, but to do that, all of us need to educate ourselves, learn about the ways of the other. "
    All around, people nodded. "But how?" one of the wagoneers called out from the crowd. "So few of them can read or write, or even speak English. How are we supposed to teach them if we can't even talk to them?"
    Typical, thought Sally. Surely they had at least as much to learn from the Indians as the other way around.
    "There is much we can all do to help. " White Lily continued. "But you are right. First, we must learn to communicate with each other. I do what I can to teach them
    English, but it's a big job. I could use some help. "
    White Lily hesitated and took a deep breath, giving Sally a quick glance. "I wonder if perhaps there is some young woman among you who might like to come with me, back to our village, to help teach them?" White Lily looked around, again pausing at Sally.
    Why did she keep-- Sally froze. Oh, Lord! This was the way!
    Before she'd even made a conscious decision, she jumped to her feet and called, "I will!"
    Alyssa and Mrs. Tompkins cried out in horrified unison. "Sally, you can't mean it!"
    She ignored the outburst and repeated, "I'll go with you, White Lily, " and threaded her way between the blankets to receive a hug from the petite woman.
    Suddenly, there was a commotion in the crowd. An indignant matriarch, Mrs. Smythe, rose up and declared, "This will never do! We cannot allow a young, unmarried girl to go unchaperoned to live with these heathens. Why, who knows what ungodly things she will be subjected to!" There was a murmur of assent among the wagoneers.
    Sally knew precisely what ungodly things she would be subjected to, and that was exactly why she wanted to go.
    But before she could open her mouth to argue, White Lily took her hand and announced to the crowd, "All right. Then she must marry first, mustn't she?"
    That seemed to satisfy Mrs. Smythe, and people around the meadow declared that marrying would be just the thing. A scattering of amused male voices called out their willingness to do their duty.
    Sally's jaw dropped. "But... "
    "Which of you men will come forward to marry this delightful young woman and spend your life in our village, helping us teach English to the Arapaho?" White Lilly's questioning gaze swept the crowd. Those men who had spoken out so quickly now slunk on their blankets. "Is there no

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