The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance by Cami Checketts, Jeanette Lewis

Book: The Resilient One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance by Cami Checketts, Jeanette Lewis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cami Checketts, Jeanette Lewis
Tags: Romance, clean romance, Brides, billionaires
Granny’s side, taking her arm and having to almost drag her away.
    “Get a job and get off the sauce,” Granny yelled as they hurried to the sidewalk. She straightened her blouse and glared at Beck. “Let me go. I won’t smack him again.”
    “Granny,” Alyssa said, looking over her shoulder at the young man, who studied her with an intensity that frightened her. “He could’ve hurt you.”
    “Ha. I’m tougher than that loser.” They walked past a custard shop and Granny got distracted. “Can we go there after the fish tacos? Ooh, I love that stuff.”
    “Sure.” Beck smiled and shrugged at Alyssa.
    “I’m never sure what to do with young people who are wasting their lives,” Granny admitted. “Do they need more love or a kick in the pants? That one seemed like he needed several kicks.”
    Beck laughed. “It’s a struggle knowing how to respond.”
    Granny tilted her head up to give him a glacial stare. “Just you wait, someday you’ll have children and you’ll know exactly what I mean. Now that I look back I should’ve loved Gary, Alyssa’s dad, more. But at the time I was so frustrated, the kick in the butt was the only way I knew how to respond.”
    A cloud passed over the sun, reflecting the darkness seeping into Alyssa. Granny always tried to take the blame for how Alyssa’s dad acted, but Alyssa didn’t buy it. The man was born manipulating and had tried to bully her and every one she knew her entire life.
    “Excuse me,” Alyssa muttered as they walked into the open doors of the restaurant. “I need to find a restroom.”
    Beck asked an employee and retrieved the restroom key.
    “Would you like me to order for you?” Beck asked. His eyes said he knew exactly why she was escaping, but was too kind to ask.
    “Yes, please. The fish tacos sound great.” She gave him an empty smile and walked away. The employee gestured her around the back of the restaurant to a small dirt-packed alley. At the very end of the alleyway it curved and finally there was a restroom sign on a beat up metal door.
    Alyssa thought she wanted a minute alone, but the isolation of the bathroom and the whole feel of this town creeped her out. She quickly splashed some water on her face, reapplied lip balm, and exited the dirty bathroom.
    The young man with dreadlocks stood right outside the door.
    “Oh!” Alyssa’s eyes darted to his face then away. He was tall and broad-shouldered. She tried to go around him, but he grabbed her arm. “Excuse me,” she said, her voice icy.
    “Have you done something I need to excuse?” He smirked at her. His eyes were a bit cloudy, but focused on her. He didn’t appear to be too out of it from the drugs.
    “I need to get back to my date before he comes looking for me.” Even as she said it, she knew Beck would give her all the time she needed. He seemed to understand how much the mention of her dad had upset her.
    “I think we’ve got a few minutes.” The man yanked on her arm and brought her into full contact with his body. She tripped on her bad foot and landed hard against his chest. “Now that’s more like it.”
    He stunk like the too-sweet smell of marijuana. Alyssa gagged and tried to pull free, digging into his arm with the restroom key. He yanked the key from her hand and tossed it.
    “Oh, no, pretty lady. We’re going to have some fun.” His scruffy face descended to within inches of hers.
    Alyssa ducked her head and yanked to free her arms. She brought her knee up, but only succeeded in hitting him in the thigh with it.
    “A fighter? I like it.”
    No, no, no. This couldn’t be happening to her again. How could she get away? She strained against his strong grip, but he grabbed her hair and yanked her head back. Alyssa screamed and then spit in his face. He didn’t even wipe the spittle away, just chuckled and pulled her closer.
    “Let’s see if you taste as good as you look.” He pressed his mouth to hers, trying to force her mouth open with his

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