The Ruby Kiss

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Book: The Ruby Kiss by Helen Scott Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Helen Scott Taylor
he again evaded his captors. But instead of charging the dais, this time he regained solid form about twenty feet from the throne. Inside his head, he called Troy’s name, hoping their newly formed blood bond was strong enough for mental contact. He had no illusions he could compel Troy to do his bidding as he usually could through a blood bond, but he hoped the immortal might choose to answer him.
    There was a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Troy materialized at Nightshade’s side, dressed in scarlet and gold, a bright spot ofcolor in the dreary room. “I hope you had good reason to call me,” he said, a hint of censure underlying his words.
    The guards cracked their whips, but the leather thongs bounced off a shimmering dome of light now protecting both Troy and Nightshade. The guards regrouped and glanced over their shoulders at their king for instructions.
    “Twister has my woman,” Nightshade said under his breath. “She’s sick or injured and he won’t let me near her.”
    “Ah.” Amusement flickered in the immortal’s blue eyes. “An issue of global importance.”
    “Thor’s blood, what’re
doing here?” Twister growled at Troy. He laid Ruby down, vaulted to his feet, and pushed through his guards to face him. “Since when are you at the beck and call of mortals?”
    “You don’t know me as well as you think you do, nephew.”
    “You’ve no business here,” Twister asserted.
    Troy angled his head to glance at Ruby. “Why have you taken Nightshade’s woman?”
    “He has no claim on her. They’re not bonded,” Twister replied.
bonded with her?” Troy asked.
    “If you’ve bonded yourself to Ruby, I’ll bloody well kill you,” Nightshade gritted out. He sucked in a shuddering breath, trying to maintain his fragile hold on his temper.
    “She’s the Unseelie queen,” Twister announced, giving a defiant glare at Troy. “That supersedes any rights this stalker thinks he has.”
    “She’s not the bloody queen, she’s the Mistress of the Beasts,” Nightshade retorted, fear and anger knotting his guts. Had Twister somehow claimed Ruby as his queen to make sure he had control of her power?
    “The Blackthorn Throne blossomed at her touch,” Twister announced, as if that settled the matter.
    For the first time since he’d arrived in the cavern, Nightshadeexamined the throne. He noticed tiny white flowers covering it.
    “What in the Furies does that prove?” he snapped. “We’ve all seen her make plants grow.”
    “An ancient prophecy foretells that the throne will bloom at the touch of the Unseelie queen,” Twister said. “I’ve waited centuries for this to happen.”
    Troy shook his head, the rubies adorning his blond hair flickering like fire in the lantern light. “You know this isn’t right, nephew.”
    Twister seemed to know no such thing. “Get rid of them,” he commanded his Whips, pointing.
    Troy motioned with his hand, and all eight men disappeared. “I’ve sent your guards to visit the Irish fairy queen,” he announced with a small smile. “She likes whips.”
    Twister swore and bit out a command to his cyclops.
    “Go to your woman,” Troy said in a soft aside to Nightshade. Then he reached over his shoulder and, with a musical whisper of metal on metal, drew his black sword from the scabbard on his back. He sketched a sizzling arc of light through the air with its tip.
    Nightshade waited until Boulder the cyclops was occupied, then he circled to the side of the dais. He balled his fists when Twister swung around to face him. Past talking, Nightshade advanced, his jaw set, ready for a fight.
    With a resigned sigh, Twister stepped back, leaving a clear route to Ruby. Nightshade hurried forward, and after a brief check to ensure she had no physical injuries, swept her into his arms. To protect himself from a surprise attack, he sat on the throne, cradling her on his lap, not caring if he offended the Unseelie king.
    “Ruby, love.” He pressed his

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