The Seven: A Taste for Jazz: Book 3 of The Seven series

The Seven: A Taste for Jazz: Book 3 of The Seven series by Ciana Stone

Book: The Seven: A Taste for Jazz: Book 3 of The Seven series by Ciana Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ciana Stone
and pacing back and forth, chewing on a thumbnail and mumbling to herself.
    She didn't respond.
    She stopped and looked at him.
    "What's wrong?"
    "What's wrong? Okay, I'm not a super brain like you, but even I can see the handwriting on the wall. If anyone and I mean anyone has a clue that you're working on a hydrogen fuel cell that could eliminate our need for fossil fuels, then it's clear as the nose on your face that you're the prize pig at the county fair."
    "Prize pig?"
    She waved away the question. "Don't play stupid now. You have to see it. On one hand you have all the people who don't want that to happen. And we're talking mega money here—the freaking basis of world economy. Those guys sure as shit don't want to be put out of business. So either they try to eliminate you and stop it from happening, or they try to get control of it. And then there's the other side of the coin. The people who want it to happen but want to be the ones who profit from it. Either way, we're talking about some very big guns, Rock. And all with you in their sights."
    Rock stood and walked to her. "Isn't that a bit melodramatic?"
    "Is it? You're the brains. You tell me. What would people do to either prevent it from happening or control it?"
    Rock wondered if maybe in some ways he wasn't the dumbest man on the planet. He'd never considered that anyone would take his life to get their hands on his research. Buy him out? Sure. He got offers all the time. But kill him?
    It made a cold chill slide down his spine. Suddenly his safe haven didn't seem so safe. And that made him angry.
    Jazz saw the emotions play on his face, and recognized his anger by the set of his jaw and the flash in his eyes. "Rock, listen." She took his hands in hers. "You obviously have resources. I mean this place isn't cheap. So surely you can afford a more secure location where you can work. I'll help. You pick the place and I'll make sure the security is sound. I know people who can help. I promise I'll keep you safe."
    He smiled and leaned down to put his forehead against hers. "Jazz, my beautiful warrior. I know you mean well but—"
    "Don't." She pushed back. The last thing she could take was hearing him say that he couldn't have her around underfoot. That what they had was sexually exciting but nothing more. Despite her resolve to do whatever it took to keep him safe and put her own desires in the background, she just wasn't ready to hear those words come from his mouth.
    She cut him off again. "No. You don't have to spell it out. I'm not asking you for anything, Rock. We had a great night and that's that. You don't owe me anything. All that matters is keeping you safe. That's it."
    Rock listened and watched and felt a thrill of excitement. She'd bewitched him at first sight, obliterated his desire for other women with one look. He'd fought it and tried to analyze it a hundred different ways but the truth was he was hooked on her. And not just for sex. While that was the stuff of dreams, she was quite literally what he'd wished for.
    His problem was that it scared the living shit out of him. He'd never been captivated by a woman. Never been in love. Even the word scared him. He feared it because he saw it as something that would take him over, rob him of his life and dreams and freedom.
    He didn't want that. So he'd fought the feelings. But now he found himself not so afraid. And that was because of the fear he sensed in her. She loved him and it scared her. He had no doubt that Jazz would go toe-to-toe with any danger, face it down and probably conquer it. Any physical threat she could handle. But love was something she didn't know how to fight or deal with.
    She was just like him. That made it easier. And exciting. To think that she was as enthralled with him as he was with her was one of the most exhilarating feelings he'd ever experienced.
    "I appreciate that, baby. I do. But that wasn't what I wanted to say."
    He smiled and

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