The Siege of Kadenburg
pistol-maybe not. But there was something about that howling she just didn’t like. It almost sounded familiar.
    “Let’s get you inside,” Doctor Xiong instructed as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “You need to warm up and we don’t need to be out here with them.”
    “With them?” Sammy echoed with a frown, not having much choice but to let him guide her towards the apartment complex. Her teeth chattered once more as she pushed the hair away from her face, stumbling along beside of him. “What’s ‘them’, exactly?”
    “Don’t worry about that right now,” Doctor Xiong said over the loud howl of the wind. “Just worry about not getting frostbite, okay?”
    “Okay.” She replied skeptically. She appreciated the fact he wanted to offer her shelter from this bizarre snow storm, but she got the feeling he was hiding something else.
    Something she would figure out.

    “P retzerella, can you hear me?”
    Presley didn’t seem to have dreams very often anymore. In fact, the only time anything ran through her mind while she was sleeping, was when her brain decided to make her relive horrifying moments involving Breslin Connor. Being sucked into a peaceful atmosphere with bright, summer days caught her off guard.
    “Who’s there?” She asked, though she knew exactly who was talking to her. Only one person in the entire world ever called her Pretzerella.
    “Hey, Pretz, I’m over here.” The male voice called out.
    She was in a large, warm field with the sun shining down on her skin. It was nice. A welcomed change from the cold, dreary weather Kadenburg was currently experiencing during one of the worst winters of all time. She lifted her hand to block the sunlight from her eyes, finally able to see him.
    He smiled broadly, nodding, “Yeah, Pretz. It’s me.”
    “I don’t understand,” she frowned, her bare feet carrying her over the blissfully hot grass as she approached him. “Why am I dreaming this?”
    “Because I wanted you to,” he chuckled, crossing his ridiculously muscular arms over his chest. “I thought it was time to say hi.”
    “Say hi?” She blinked. “But you’re-”
    “Dead? I know that,” he nodded. His smile was unwavering as he gazed at her with brown eyes that were exactly like Lorcan’s. They sparkled in the sunlight as he took a step closer to her. “Don’t you remember that night at the river? The night you and Jim wrecked?”
    Presley nodded slowly, “Yes, I can remember that….I just thought I was going crazy. I’ve been under a lot of stress.”
    “I know,” he stated in a solemn tone. “You should’ve been welcomed into the bear club a long time ago, Pretzie. I’m sorry you had to find out about us like that. How are you holding up?”
    That was a good question. How was she holding up exactly? Her aunt was back in her life, a werewolf wanted to use her as a breeding machine, and she was going to have Lorcan’s baby. That was an awful lot to go through all at once, wasn’t it?
    “I think I’m okay,” she nodded. “I mean, I’ve been through worse, haven’t I?”
    Liam laughed again, holding his hand out towards her, “Will you come with me?”
    She stared at his hand for a moment, contemplating on if she actually wanted to do that. This was like A Christmas Carol, and she was Mister Scrooge. Which ghost was Liam supposed to represent?
    “I only represent myself.” Liam promised.
    “You can hear my thoughts?” Presley asked in shock.
    “I can hear a lot of things from my side,” Liam gave her another resilient smile. “But I’m not here to hurt you or anything. I just want to talk to you, Pretz. You can trust me.”
    Of course she trusted him….but he was dead. Why was she dreaming of a dead man, and her mate’s brother at that?
    “Please?” Liam pleaded gently, wiggling his fingers as he waited for her to take his hand. “There are some things you need to know. You’re the only one I can reveal these things

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