The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict

The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict by Raymond L. Weil

Book: The Slaver Wars: Galactic Conflict by Raymond L. Weil Read Free Book Online
Authors: Raymond L. Weil
    “I wish we
could have launched this rescue mission weeks ago,” Senator Anderson spoke, with
a frown. “Why is Hedon so fired up to launch it now? In another few weeks, we
will have more ships updated with Alton technology and weapons. He'd have a
much stronger force.”
    “We don’t have
weeks,” answered Kincaid in a lower and more solemn voice. “A light cruiser
arrived a few days ago from Admiral Strong. The Hocklyns and AIs are besieging
the planet and have already launched two attacks. I’m sure there have been
others by now. Fleet Admiral Streth is right; we can’t wait any longer. I’m
just glad he forced our hand using Ambassador Tureen.”
    “This will be
the beginning of the next phase of the war,” Senator Malle warned. “Once
Admiral Streth leaves, I don’t think he will stop until he has freed the old
Federation worlds.”
    “You may be
right,” Kincaid responded as he came back to his desk and sat down. “It will be
up to us to make sure he has what he needs. Ships, supplies, battle stations,
missiles; everything we can think of. We'll wait until Admiral Streth has left
and then try to push this through the Senate.”
    “How?” Senator
Anderson asked his brow wrinkled in thought. “Senator Fulbright will object as
    “We will tell
the Senate it is better to fight the Hocklyns and the AIs on their turf rather
than ours,” Kincaid replied evenly. “We can remind them about what happened at
New Tellus and that by attacking the Hocklyns in their territory we prevent
them from attacking other Federation worlds.”
    The other two
nodded. It would be a tough sell, particularly after what had happened in
Operation First Strike and the tragic losses the fleet suffered. However, if
they were going to defeat the Hocklyns and the AIs, the war had to be taken to
them and Admiral Streth was the only one that could do that. There was no doubt
in their minds that once the civilian population of the Federation learned
about what Fleet Admiral Streth was doing; the entire population would rally in
support of the Fleet Admiral.
Kincaid leaned back and took a deep breath. The sheer savagery of the attack on
New Tellus had stunned the Federation. It had brought the war home and made
people across the Federation realize what was at stake. He also needed to speak
to the Federation’s allies about committing some of their ships to the war
effort. So far the Kessels, Darvonians, and Zanths had agreed to build up their
fleets to help protect the Federation’s flanks. Now it was time for them to
take a more aggressive role.
    He would have
the Federation ambassadors meet with representatives of the three race’s
governments and see what could be agreed upon. This was a question of survival,
and everyone had to be on board. Kincaid closed his eyes briefly, wondering
what the next few months would bring. With Admiral Streth, anything was

Chapter Five
    Jeremy looked
over at Kelsey, who was still sound asleep next to him. She looked so beautiful
and innocent early in the morning. He allowed himself to smile and put his arm around
her. He felt her snuggle closer with a quiet moan of contentment. For a few
moments, Jeremy lay there and didn't worry about the dangerous situation they
were in. Kelsey and he had taken Colonel Malen’s advice and were spending most
of their nights together. Jeremy knew that Kevin and Katie were doing the same.
Even Angela had been spending more and more time with her marine captain over
on the space station whenever the opportunity arose.
    It had been
weeks since Admiral Streth’s horrific battle over the Hocklyn fleet base and
there still had been no word. Even the light cruiser they had sent back to the
Federation three weeks earlier had failed to return. It was an eight-day trip
back to Federation space, then figure a couple of days at New Tellus and eight
more back. The cruiser should have been back several days ago. It

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