The Slime Dungeon: Book 1 (The Slime Dungeon Chronicles)
Doc noticed that the other three men were huddled together and were arguing.
    “She's from the castle! No way am I following the plan now, that's too much attention.” One of the men was saying in hushed whispers.
    “You idiot! You knew she was important, what difference does it make now? We have our orders from Koran, and failure to him would get us killed.” Another argued.
    “Screw that! I hear traitors to the crown are given over to those bastard elves, and they say they know ways to keep a man alive in pain for decades,” the other man said.
    The first man snorted, “And you don't think Koran can't? Besides, no one knows that she's here with us. To everyone, the girl was overeager and entered the dungeon without help and died of a terrible death. Those slimes are real useful for stuff like that, you know, and we can even have some fun before getting rid of her.”
    “The dungeon, what if it attacks us while we're still inside it? We had to leave our stuff behind so no one would recognize us while Koran's men wore the armor and swords today. We could die in here!”
    “Listen, we aren't traveling farther than the first room. We’ll have some fun in there; then we’ll toss her body down the corridor and let the slimes finish her off. No one will be the wiser.”
    The man grumbled, but nodded. “Fine, but I get first dips on her chastity. I like my women pure when they scream.”
    The other two men laughed and clapped the man on the back as they headed toward the first room. Doc was horrified.
    "They are going to kill that girl, Claire! Why would they hurt each other?"
    Claire sent him her sad feelings, "I told you there are bad people in the world. Those men are going to use her, then dump her and leave her to die. I've seen it before, and it will happen again."
    "I… I don’t like that!" Doc muttered, "I… I don’t want to see her… hurt. She’s going to be hurt… going to die…"  Doc's mumbling began to fall into gibberish, which began to concern Claire.
    “Protect her…” Another shiver shook Doc as he began to lose control over his emotions.
    "Doc, are you okay? Speak to me!" Claire called out, but Doc couldn't hear her anymore. He was completely focused on the scene in the first room.
    “Jack was telling me all about the copper veins! Thank you for guiding me!” The girl was happy and bowing her thanks to the men.
    The lead man smiled, “Always happy to help. Now, we need to discuss payment.”
    The girl tilted her head, confused. “Payment? How much do you want?”
    The man nodded to Jack, who was slowly walking up behind the girl with his sword out. “Oh, don't worry about it. Like I said, juniors need to be taught what to expect by their seniors.” In a flash, Jack cut the leather binding the girl’s weapons to her and broke her bow as they clattered to the ground. The girl jumped back in fright as she stared wide eyed at her weapons.
    “What, what is going on?”  She asked, fear creeping into her voice.
    The men chuckled, “Oh, why we're just going to have some fun. Now be a good girl and come to us.” Two of the men were blocking the exit tunnel as the other two closed in on her, her back to the tunnel leading further in.
    “You can't do this! I'm a princess! My father will kill you for this!”  She cried out, fear overcoming her training as the men closed in on her with weapons drawn.
    “Silly girl, no one knows you're here. No one knows your name. No one will care that you're gone.” Said the leader with an evil grin. “That letter told us exactly what to do with you. Now, since that letter came from the palace, I think you should realize exactly who ordered this.”
    The girl backed up slowly as her eyes darted back in forth, “N…no…no one wants me dead! Everyone likes me, and I haven't done anything wrong.”
    “Silly girl, it's your existence that's the problem. No one is going to save you, and when they realize you’re gone, they will all forget about

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