The Stone Demon
looked back at the stage, Demian had already gone. She couldn’t see him anymore, but the band looked ready to play their first number.
    Xan nudged her. “So, shall we dance?”
    Donna was suddenly self-conscious. She didn’t know the first thing about ballroom dancing. “Sure.”
    It had been weeks since she’d last been in Xan’s arms, and her heart automatically began to speed up in anticipation. Maybe he was acting a little strange, but he could still make her melt with that smile.
    His left hand circled her waist and he took her right hand in his. He pulled her gently against him and they began to move to the music, entering the flow of dancers swishing around the floor. A minute had barely passed before the music changed to something slow and seductive. Xan’s hand was warm against the small of her back as he pulled her more firmly against him.
    The lights flickered and dimmed. Donna frowned and tried to look over her shoulder, but Xan spun her and she had to concentrate on her footwork to keep up. She might not know what she was doing but he seemed surprisingly adept, leading her around the floor as though he’d had lessons.
    As they swayed with the music, Donna began to feel hot—unnaturally hot. Her tattoos were quiet beneath her long gloves, otherwise she might have thought something weird was going on with them. Her powers had seemed to settle down over the last couple weeks, which was a huge relief, but even so … she was always prepared for that to change.
    “Xan, I think I need to stop for a moment,” she said, beginning to step back.
    “Let’s keep going!” he replied, spinning her again, faster and faster.
    Too fast.
    Impossibly fast.
    Donna looked into his eyes and watched as they flickered from green to black and then back again.
    “Xan? Where’s your mask gone?” And then she realized something she should have noticed immediately—he hadn’t been wearing one. No mask. She narrowed her eyes. “Answer me.”
    He shook his head, as though trying to clear it, but there was no hiding the fact that his golden skin was much paler than normal. His eyes flashed ebony again. Donna tried to pull herself free, but his arms held her with unfamiliar cruelty. She couldn’t get away, even with her own strength, and it was pissing her off.
    And then Alexander Grayson’s face began to fade.
    His flesh rippled and glowed. In fact, his entire body was momentarily surrounded by an aura of crimson light, making him look as though someone had doused him in blood. It now seemed he had been wearing a “mask” all along—Xan’s features were sliding down his face, leaving behind the Demon King’s harsh beauty.
    “Ah,” Demian said, “and we were having such a lovely time.” He smiled, and his lips looked perfect and kissable.
    Donna swallowed hard, dragging her gaze away from his mouth. “Let go of me. Now. I’ll scream, and I’m sure you don’t want to make a fuss in front of all your important guests.”
    “Important?” The king of the demons laughed. “They are nothing to me.”
    He kept his left arm around her waist, and with the other he swept an arc across the entire dance floor.
    Everyone disappeared.

    D onna stumbled, only staying upright thanks to Demian’s grip. She was about to try freeing herself again when she realized what he’d done.
    “You moved us , didn’t you? Everyone else is still at the ball.”
    “Yes.” He released her, taking her by surprise, and placed both palms gently on either side of her face. “You look like a queen tonight, Donna Underwood.”
    Donna shook her head and stepped back, ducking away from his surprisingly gentle hands. He smelled of cold stone. “Stop it,” she said. “Take us back.”
    The demon folded his hands behind his back, and Donna watched a slow smile spread across his face. Demian appeared to enjoy her gaze on him, lifting his chin and basking in it as though it was his right. She had never denied that he was gorgeous—even

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