The White House Connection
'The dog.'
'Yes,' Dillon told him. 'But they usually are. So, you know everything, it appears.'
'Always did, you know that, always one step ahead. That's what keeps me going.'
'And you wanted information about Brigadier Ferguson, so we hear,' Hannah said.
'Well, I would, wouldn't I? Always the old fox, that one.' 'You'll be seeing him soon enough,' Dillon told him. 'I'm sure you'll have an interesting conversation.'
'I'm certain we will.' Barry turned to the ice bucket and poured more Sancerre. He moved and stood at one side of the fireplace. 'Give Mr Johnson another brandy, Bobby. I'm sure he could do with it.'
Daley went to the sideboard and reached for the brandy-
decanter, then he pulled open a drawer and turned, a gun in his hand.
'There you go. Tables turned, I think,' Barry said.
But Dillon's hand was already under the back of his bomber jacket; his hand swung up, and there was a dull thud as he shot Daley in the heart, hurling him back against the sideboard, still clutching the decanter as he crashed to the floor.
Hannah cried out, and Dillon turned to see a section of the wood panelling beside the fireplace swing open, and Barry simply stepped back. There was a click as Dillon ran to it, but the panelling was immovable.
'Damn his eyes!' Blake said.
'I should have known,' Dillon told him. 'He'd never have used this place without an escape route or two. It's a rabbit warren. We'll never catch him now.'
Hannah looked down at Daley. 'What about him? Should we call the RUC?'
'That's the last thing we need.' There was an Indian rug on the floor, and Dillon rolled the body up in it. 'Help me get him on my shoulder.'
Blake did as he was told. 'Now what?'
'Let's get out of here. I'll dispose of the evidence. He can join Bell in the Soak Hole.'
He led the way down to the hall and Blake got the massive door open. Rain dashed in and Dillon said, 'The grand night it is for dirty work. I'll see you at the gate,' and he strode away.
When Blake and Hannah reached the cottage, there was no sign of Harker, although the light was still on. They got into the Land Rover out of the rain and Dillon appeared a few minutes later. 'All done and dusted. The paths of the wicked all reach a sticky end.' He went to the cottage door and kicked on it. It opened and Harker peered out. 'We lost them,' Dillon told him.
'His lordship and Daley took off through some secret passage.'
'There's a few of those up there.'
'Anyway, no need for Barry to know of your part in this. Keep your mouth shut and you'll be all right. It never happened.'
'Damn right I'll keep my mouth shut. I'll open the gate for you.'
Dillon got behind the wheel of the Land Rover and drove out and started along the coast road.
'Now what?' Hannah demanded.
'You can call the Lear jet to pick us up in the morning. Ferguson likes to hear bad news as soon as possible, you know that.' He spoke over his shoulder to Blake. 'What about you? Is it back to Washington?'
'No, I think I should follow this through. I'll come to London with you and help you brave Ferguson's wrath.'
'Right, then next stop the Europa and some decent room service.'
The Lear jet flew over at midnight and they found Flight Lieutenants Lacey and Parry waiting for them, ready for a seven o'clock departure. It was all very official. The Lear carried RAF rondels and Lacey and Parry wore RAF flying overalls with rank insignia.
'Nice to see you again, Mr Johnson,' Lacey said and turned to Dillon, who was last up the steps. 'Are we going into action again, Sean?'
'Well, let's put it this way. I wouldn't book that holiday in Marbella,' Dillon said, and went up the steps.
They took off and climbed to thirty thousand and turned across the Irish Sea. Hannah found the tea and

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