The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Page A

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
with her. Just how her mother and Darak would react to her bringing a Darekian into the house she was not certain. Levin and Jak had willingly invited him into their home, and treated him with the utmost respect.
    It was mid morning and Hope lifted herself up onto her horse. At least this last part of their journey would mean her not having to walk any further. Both she and Arran had been given horses to use by Jak, as well as a four-guard escort. She had originally told him that they did not require any soldiers, but Jak had insisted, and eventually she had relented to his wishes. "I am not having you leave my care without some protection," he had told her. Hope had said that Arran would look after her, and despite Jak being diplomatic in his reply, it was clear, he did not think it adequate.
    After waving farewells to Levin, his wife and children and Jak, the small group trotted out of the gates. The road was flat, allowing the horses to travel a good pace without risk of injury. With two guards in front and two behind, Hope rode beside Arran in the centre. He looked over to her and smiled, and she thought how happy he looked. She smiled back thinking how much she was falling in love with him, and she hoped he felt the same as her. It was with some regret that sharing a bed would be out of the question, for a little while at least, and most certainly, when she got home. She was uncertain as to whether Darak would even let Arran stay in the same house as her, let alone the same bed.
    If they travelled at a good pace, they hoped to make Forwich by tomorrow noontime. As it was, they had a full day's travel ahead of them, and another night camping under the stars. As they rode, Hope's thoughts turned to her family. She would have been first to admit, with Arran at her side, she had spent so little time thinking of them. She afforded herself another smile, as she thought how Luca was probably not practicing his skills; something she would make sure he continued the minute she got back. Although she was aware that Darak's prejudice against Darekians was strong, she did think Luca would like Arran.
    They had ridden for barely an hour when Arran was clearly becoming uncomfortable. "I am not used to riding for such long distances," he whispered over to Hope, who just giggled at his words. In an attempt at taking his mind away from the discomfort, Arran decided to quiz Hope on her family. He already knew a little, but nothing of any substance. Hope tried to describe her mother and stepfather, warning Arran now that there would be little love coming from him. Leah she described as a cheeky little madam, but totally adorable.
    She deliberately left Luca until the end. Should she tell Arran of her brother's powers? On the other hand, should she say nothing? Her moral dilemma must have been evident as Arran asked her if she was okay. She nodded, but looked over at her the man she was in love with. "Arran," she said in a serious tone. "What are your intentions when we get to Forwich?" This was a question that had been playing on her mind the past few days. Only up until now, she had been afraid of the answer. Now it had been asked, she could feel her heart racing as she watched Arran's lips move. "Well...I would like to stay with you Hope," was the answer she had hoped for. "I...Love you," he added, his cheeks reddening as he spoke. Hope felt as if her heart was going to explode; those were the words she had longed to hear. "I love you too," she replied with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.
    With everything in life seemingly perfect, Hope lifted her head high, feeling the warmth of the sun on her face. These past few weeks had changed her life forever. What had started out so badly, had in fact, ended up with this chance meeting with the man who had stolen her heart. She had decided that evening whilst they camped to tell Arran all about her special sibling, magic and all.
    In New Easton, Luca and Oliver awaited together as the gull

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