The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic

The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood

Book: The Zulani Empire: The New Chronicles of Elemental Magic by Andrew Wood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrew Wood
it ended. He held the lamp up against the walls looking for something that might show them a way out. Fabian walked behind him pushing random places on the dirt covered stones. He was just beginning to think they had reached a dead-end when he spotted something familiar. On one wall was another handle, like the one in the room back at the study. Jamal took a deep breath and pulled on it. He heard a click and a slither of dim light appeared. "Here," he said pushing on the opening. A small stone door slowly opened open for him to squeeze through, and Fabian followed.
    From first glance, it appeared they were in some sort of small cave. He could here dripping water, but more importantly, he could see daylight ahead. The two headed straight in the direction of the light, but moved a little more cautiously as they approached the mouth of the cave. Jamal looked skyward. The sun was low in the sky, indicating it was evening. "We must have walked a long way Fabian, it is almost sunset," he said turning to his young colleague.
    From his position, he looked outwards. The area outside the cave entrance was indeed set in woodland, just as Prince Issac had described. Just how far they were away from Onay however, he could only guess. From the time it had taken them, he reckoned at least a couple of miles north. Realising they were probably a safe enough distance away from any Zulani, Jamal suggested they rest in the cave for the night. Fabian did not argue, and just nodded before sitting himself down.
    Jamal removed the bag from his back and placed it on the ground. "Let us see what your father packed away for us," he said examining the contents. The foodstuff consisted entirely of dried meat and fruit, which he assumed was fair enough. It would have been pointless leaving a bag with perishable food within, as they had not known when it would have been needed. There was also a hunting knife, some animal snares, a tightly rolled blanket and even a coin purse full of gold coins. "Looks like Father thought of everything," Fabian said eyeing Jamal looking in the bag.
    After sharing out a little of the food, Jamal removed the blanket and offered it to Fabian. "We'll have to take turns. One sleeps while the other keeps watch," Jamal said shuffling back toward the mouth of the cave. The sun was setting and he knew that very soon it would be dark. How far they had made it away from the city he guessed he would have to wait until morning to find out. For now, they were safe, although the thought that Onay might have fallen, crossed his mind on more than one occasion.

Chapter 10
    Hope awoke to see Arran looking at her. On seeing her wake, he smiled and kissed her forehead. They had spent the last few nights sharing a bed, with Hope sneaking back to her own room before morning. Whether their hosts had realised what they were doing she had no idea, although if they did, they certainly had not mentioned it. She kissed him gently back, before slipping out from under the covers to make the trip back to her own bed.
    On their way down to breakfast, Hope was met by Levin's wife, who had just returned with their children from a trip away. After a brief introduction and chat, they carried on into the dining room. Jak and Levin were already there eating. After seating themselves down, and serving themselves from the platters of food laid out on the table, they chatted. "I would escort you back myself," Jak said, "Unfortunately as we are on a state of alert, I have to remain here." Hope nodded; she knew her mother would have loved to see both Jak and Levin again. "Maybe when things have returned to some form of normality, you will all come to visit," Hope replied shoving a large piece of crispy bacon into her mouth.
    After eating, it was time to pack what few belongings they had acquired in their short time in Lanber. Today they would set out on the final leg of her return journey home. Hope was just glad Arran had wanted to continue the journey

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