Their Million-Dollar Night

Their Million-Dollar Night by Katherine Garbera

Book: Their Million-Dollar Night by Katherine Garbera Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine Garbera
elevators had really poor cell reception.
    â€œMacNeil is bringing his wife. Just a heads-up. Any chance you found a lady in Vegas who will convince Harron you’re a family man?”
    He glanced at Roxy, but said nothing to Duke. “MacNeil is going to have to take me as I am.”
    â€œNo? I have the feeling he’s going to be on the phone to you here tomorrow morning as soon as the office opens. Which means either I get up early or—”
    â€œYou take care of it before you go home to Cami,” Max said. Cami also worked for Max. She and Dukehad met when Max had assigned them to work together. Cami never hesitated to take him to task for working Duke too hard.
    â€œI’m already home and she’s not too happy. I’ve been on the phone all night.”
    â€œWould a bonus make her happier?” Max asked. He knew that the key to a successful company was happy employees.
    â€œNah, you know Cami. I think a vacation will satisfy her.”
    â€œYou can have two weeks at my place in Fiji as soon as MacNeil signs on the dotted line.”
    â€œI’m out the door before the ink dries,” Duke said.
    â€œAnything else?”
    â€œHis latest offer should arrive by courier tonight.”
    â€œThanks, Duke.” Max pocketed his cell phone.
    â€œEverything okay?” Roxy asked.
    â€œJust business.”
    She wrapped her arms around her waist and stood awkwardly by his side just staring at him. She seemed…unsure.
    He realized too much time had passed and she was thinking about her scars again. He knew it only because in the jazz club he had glimpsed her totally relaxed and wallowing in her feminine sexuality. Now she wasn’t. “Changed your mind about going up to my suite?”
    She shrugged her shoulder, but she’d dropped hishand and had her arms wrapped around her waist. “I’m not sure.”
    The elevator cars opened again and Max knew that if he pushed now he would lose whatever advantage he had with her. But he was physically on the edge and waiting was not going to be easy.
    Touching her had a pronounced effect on his body. Going dancing was out of the question. They each needed a distraction, Roxy from whatever fears had crept into her mind and him from the ones that hadn’t left his.
    â€œWhat would it take to make you sure?”
    â€œCould we leave the lights off?”
    She bit her lower lip and once again the elevator car left without them. “You didn’t even hesitate.”
    â€œI know that I want to see you—all of you.”
    â€œI don’t think I’ll ever be ready for that.”
    He realized then that his usual take-charge style wasn’t going to get the job done. Roxy needed understanding. He’d be understanding if it damn well killed him, and he knew he wouldn’t die from not having sex.
    â€œLet’s get out of this place.”
    She blinked at him. “Where will we go?”
    â€œI don’t know, but we need to do something active, something that requires me to use my brain.”
    â€œThinking is a turn-off for you?” she asked, with just a little bit of the sassiness he’d come to expect from her.
    â€œWith you around, I don’t think anything will work.”
    She took a deep breath and let it out slowly, her hand reaching for his. She led him back to the elevator alcove. And shocked him. “Let’s go up to your room.”
    They stepped on the elevator and he felt the trembling in her body and noticed her hand shaking as she clutched her handbag. They were the only ones in the car.
    He put his hands on her waist and held her loosely between his body and the wall of the car. She glanced up at him, her blue eyes wide, but not with fear. Instead he saw desire.
    He bent his head to hers and took her mouth in the gentlest kiss he had in him right now. Then he lifted his head and stared down at her. “Just wanted to

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