Thirty Four Minutes DEAD

Thirty Four Minutes DEAD by Steve Hammond Kaye

Book: Thirty Four Minutes DEAD by Steve Hammond Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Steve Hammond Kaye
twenty percent sight factor would disrupt the usual quality surrounding visual flow, but even he couldn't have anticipated the HV's that ensued.
    Christopher's memory-camera had spoken a visual language that only he could understand - a beautiful language that was akin to the 'northern lights' without any discernible images. The HVs were almost ambient, with blue and purple hues entwining over a base colour of silver. Until the actual exploration, Tavini had maintained that sound would assist the team if the visuals were unhelpful, but the team were to be thwarted here as well because the victim had abridged his own sound - a sound to echo the visuals that were on the screen. Christopher gave the MC team nothing to build a profile of his murderer. How he encoded his visual retention could have been linked to his partial sight, but his acoustic composition was beyond comprehension. The sounds were slightly reminiscent of the sonar calling made by whales although nothing could be linked to indicate pain or fear. As the screen eventually returned to blackness the MC team had realised that Christopher had called the shots with regard to the screening. He had retreated into his own visual world in the build up to his murder, and his ability to control both of his senses made the team feel humble in comparison. When the MC project was eventually revealed to a global audience, Christopher would have a lot to say with regard to psychological and medical practice.
    His MC storage would pioneer subsequent research and in that respect, he would not die. Christopher's murder would have to be solved by conventional investigation methods and this factor served as a reminder to the team - that their work was brilliant and leading edge in it's nature but it did have a fallibility to it. As Vain's team reviewed the exploration, Mishimo Ko-Chai seemed almost pleased by what had been witnessed - what could not be explained.
    "Well my boss-man and David, I guess this young lad has taught us a thing or two! We assumed that sound was just automatically linked through the same environment, as a back up to the dominant visual register. We were wrong, my friends - we were correct up until now - yes, but Christopher has added a new dimension to our explorations. This child 'coloured' over his partial sight capabilities blocking out what he didn't want to confront, and what's more he uses sound in the same fashion! He was found in a park in North London and yet what do we get - whale sounds or something similar! Don't you see how significant our findings are here - a lad with severe sight problems is capable of controlling laser type images to block out what he doesn't want to see, and in addition to that he changes sound to probably block out what he doesn't want to hear! Christopher may have had some visual disability but his sensory capabilities were far more advanced than those with A1 sight. This lad was a real find, a prodigy. Surely his capabilities come from a higher source. I'm sad the child's dead but I feel enlightened, rejuvenated even refreshed!”
    Tavini proceeded to play down Ko - Chai's excited exclamations.
    "I'm pleased to hear of your spiritual experience Mishimo, but we can't really gloss over failure can we? I mean we fucking lost here, guys. This lad gave us a show for sure - a real trip, but the arrest squad are going to be just a bit hard pushed to make any sense of what we saw. Who are they going to look for here - a bunch of fucking killer-whales?"
    Ko-Chai was angered by Tavini's narrow-minded approach and he appealed to Vain to validate the scientific relevance of what they had witnessed.
    "You tell him, Gregory. Our work involves a wide spectrum of scientific research doesn't it?”
    "Well fellas, you know I don't usually like to sit on the fence, but this time I've got to. Yes Mishimo, our project does embrace scientific areas that transcend our usual MC findings and yes, Christopher illuminated some far-reaching

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