Bodwyn Wook notified her of the promotions. Wordlessly she poured wine into the goblets, then turned away and marched toward the door. As she passed Glawen she spoke a single word in a clenched and sibilant mutter: “Madness!”
    Hilda left the room and shut the door. Bodwyn Wook gave his head a wry shake. “I suspect that the news took her by surprise, but after she rests a few minutes, she too will rejoice, in her own quiet way.”
    Chapter 2, Part IV
    Goblets had been emptied, not once but several times, and a number of congratulations had been exchanged. Bodwyn Wook was especially gratified to hear Glawen’s salute: “- to Bodwyn Wook, undoubtedly the keenest and most competent supervisor to sit in this office for many, many years!”
              “Thank you, Glawen!” said Bodwyn Wook. “This is good to hear, even though it has been many, many years since anyone else has sat here.”
    “I had a more extended period in mind.”
              “Just so.” Bodwyn Wook leaned forward, pushed bottle and goblets aside, took up a sheet of yellow paper. “Now then: to business! Before issuing specific orders, I will indicate our general strategy in connection with the LPF and Lutwen Atoll. It includes a ‘North Phase’ and a ‘South Phase.’ Since we cannot cope with both phases together, we intend to hold the Yips static in the north while we deal with the LPF in the south. The program is already underway; in fact it started three days ago when the Conservator issued his ultimatum: obey the law or depart the planet. As of now, the LPFers are no doubt taking stock, conniving and conspiring and wondering what to do next.” Bodwyn Wook hitched himself forward in his chair. “Their only hope is to procure a force of armed flyers strong enough to counteract our own deterrent force - and enough transport capacity to move the Yips. So far they seem to have made no progress. However, we should not disregard rumor, no matter how unreliable its source. I refer of course to remarks recently made by Rufo Kathcar.”
    Glawen held his tongue. Bodwyn Wook continued. “The name ‘Lewyn Barduys’ was mentioned, and compels our attention, since he is a magnate involved in both construction and transport. He visited Cadwal some months ago with the stated purpose of studying the wilderness lodges. This may be true. He and his companion, a certain ‘Flitz,’ visited a number of these lodges. They were also guests of Dame Clytie at Stroma. We do not know what business, if any, was transacted, but it is only prudent that we should suspect the worst. This concept dictates the broad scope of your mission. You are to locate Lewyn Barduys and investigate his activities. Specifically, we want to know what arrangements, if any, he has made with the LPF. Thereafter, your procedures must be guided by circumstance. ‘Flexibility, first, last and always!’ will be your slogan. For instance, if commitments with the LPF have been made, you must circumvent them as best you can. Am I clear so far?”
    Chilke and Glawen agreed that Bodwyn Wook had expressed himself lucidly. Glawen started to make an additional comment, then remembered his new promotion and remained silent.
    “Good. There are also secondary considerations. You will keep in mind our own need for transport, when it comes time to move Yips off-world. During your dealings with Barduys you might explore this subject with him, though financial terms must be validated at Araminta Station.” Bodwyn Wook again glanced back and forth between his two commanders. “There are still no questions?”
    “None whatever!” said Chilke. “Our mission is simple. We locate Barduys, look into his affairs, disrupt all his dealings with Dame Clytie. Then, if he is still in a good humor, we arrange for two or more transports on our own account. So far it is a handshake deal. The final terms will be arranged later, the next time he visits Araminta Station. There was

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